More MIDI control

OK, this really needs to be fixed. The idea of having midi controls assigned ONLY to the switches is ridiculous and frustrating. It keeps this beautiful sounding device completely locked away from expansion. In reality it turns the “Most powerful floor modeler on the planet” into “Just another limited (yet expensive) 8-device/settings” processor. IF you can’t give us on/off (i.e. 0=off, 1 or higher = on) control for each device then assign on/off to the grid numbers and give us the ability to make the Quad Core show off it’s REAL capabilities!

there are several requests already to expand midi input controls. But I 100% agree that there should be a midi Grid option so that every block can at least be on/off from a midi signal. It is one of the most disappointing missing features for me too.


This is the exact reason I wasn’t able to work with the QC and had to go back to Fractal gear; I need EVERYTHING in the unit to be controllable via fully assignable/customizable MIDI commands. I send MIDI via Bluetooth from my iPad running OnSong, so when i change a song, it sends the next preset, scene, adjusts block on/off state, adjusts parameters… Not to mention looper controls and other utilities.

It just wasn’t meant to be at that time (last May), but I do hope they implement at least as good of a MIDI suite as FAS has; then it would be a viable option to revisit for gigging, since the FM3, while fantastic, is just not as powerful as I’d like it to be - but the QC has power in spades. Plus, if they allowed MIDI control via Bluetooth without needing an additional dongle, that’d be amazing!


Thank you both for posting. I sincerely hope this topic gains some momentum…it REALLY DOES need to be addressed!


I agree on the midi options being limited, but will note that I just set up using a Morningstar MC8 along with the QC. I have the MC8 switching Scenes (amps in my case) and the QC set for stomp mode changing stomps on and off. The stomps are then global and when I change amps they maintain their state. I have 8 amps along with 8 effects. The MC8 changes the amps and the QC changes the state of the stomp (on or off) as well as tap tempo, etc. One preset and a pretty small footprint. Before doing this I was frustrated with trying to make everything work. Now, issues are gone. Would like to edit the data in the stomps on the Gig view but everything is working as I would like it.


Hi and thanks for your reply. Yes, using the Morningstar MC8 IS a great solution, I have one and it’s a GREAT box…unfortunately we each spent $400+ in addition to the cost of the QC to GET that flexibility. A device costing what the QC does SHOULD ALREADY HAVE this kind of midi functionality included. Its price-point is around the same as the FM9 which in regards to functionality, basically kicks the QC’s butt. I DO love my QC. I love the “feel” it has so for me it’s the constant battle of “feel” or functionality.
Onward and Upward (I HOPE!):stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Agreed. And able to turn multiple blocks on and off. I can get my dual delays by doing this. I would even settle for allowing all those things to also be driven by midi as you noted, but for now at least this was a big move forward for me in usage.

This is easily the most disappointing thing about the QC. I should be able to use midi to map and adjust all the parameters. It is genuinely baffling that i can use midi to change barely anything at all.

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Hi, didn’t came for a long time, are there any improvements considering the age of this post ?

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Hi Pixelman, unfortunately I haven’t seen any updates in the midi department. I know they’re busy working on the hybrid thing along with a desktop editor so MAYBE we’ll see FULL midi control in one of those updates. I’m crossing my fingers!!!

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I’m crossing all my fingers!..toes too!!

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Can’t fully confirm as I didn’t do extensive testing, however…

I have my QC set up to sent multiple CC changes when each preset is loaded, then a single CC change when each scene within that preset is loaded.
At the same time I have a Morningstar pedal that is receiving those midi commands, and adding its own, while also controlling the stomps on the QC as I keep it in scene mode (programmed to switch to stomp mode, ‘press’ the required footswitch, then switch back to scene mode).

My issue was that the Midi changes programmed in the QC respond to the footswitch being pressed, not the scene. So by activating the stomp on switch A, I also activate the midi CC assigned to scene A.

I assume this just is how things are currently, but it is another reason for a big update to Midi control.

I use MIDI for controlling my other pedals bypass and tap tempo. The global midi clock out let me get rid of my MC6. It would be a nice simple touch to have the LED light up when using CC toggle when it is assigned to a switch.

Multiple CC messages per stomp would also be nice so I can have groupings.


One more suggestion concerning midi: I don’t know if it’s technically possible, but it would be great to have the option to use the QC as a midi to usb interface, especially in studio situations, assuming that it is already a very good usb audio interface.

Coming from HX effect and Kemper Profile, I miss the Morph function (I know it’s in the top 3 as request) but MAINLY, using MIDI CC to modify any block parameters and as suggested, turn those blocks ON/OFF (using their grid location) is for me a BIG DEAL.

for such a powerful unit, this limitation is a bit mind boggling to me. it’s not like MIDI is a new technology or some niche offering that may or may not be embraced, it’s industry wide in practice.

Yep, for over 2 years (and several post & votes) I’ve been watching this get ignored. I’ll say it yet again…we need more flexible midi control! PLEASE! Break the ridiculous bind between the switches and devices! Give your USERS the ability to set things up the way THEY want not some ridiculously tied-up, obsolete method of control. EACH device should have it’s own on/off midi cc control and NOT be bound to the limitations of the switches! C’mon guys! This is getting ridiculous!

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All the plugins I have a license for, have a good amount of midi control implemented in them. They can easily be set up to any controller I have, and have midi learn function as well. They seem to have a grasp on how to do this, and only makes sense that they will eventually get this done.

It will be interesting to see if the upcoming PCOM update will have any midi controllability. If not at release, I’m sure it will be in a future update. Either way, more midi control is what I want the most for now :crossed_fingers:

Some additional MIDI control is coming in the CorOS 3.0.0 update, at least.

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Yep, I saw that! That’s why I’m anxious to see what they have done! That tells me they have the ground work down for the next step

I think they had to go back a step or two, and rewrite Cor OS to implement the changes they needed for PCOM, and the other things they had committed to. All of that had to be finished ( which obviously was quite the challenge ) before they could even program midi commands into the OS. I do think they are almost there though. I’m really looking forward to this next update!

I’m really impressed with what they have accomplished so far. Most have no idea what they have had to do to achieve what they have in this unit. I’m grateful that they still have the heart and desire to continue with it. After 2 + years of playing it, I still love my sound every time I turn it on. That’s saying a lot coming from me! lol