Feat. Request: Make Hybrid Mode more like “Command center” on Helix

Instead of having the top row just for stomps and the bottom row for scenes (as the soon to be updated hybrid mode), it would be better if we could assign any of the foot switches to any function (pedal, scene or preset) as you currently can on the Line-6 helix eco-system using their awesome Command-Center.

Absolute agreement!
Line6 delivered an excellent feature with the Command Center, which I loved back in the Helix Floorboard.
The possibilities of the Command Center are responsible for the fact that I continue to leave an HX Stomp in the setup alongside the Quad Cortex.


If the QC’s development trajectory turns out to be similar to the Helix’s expansion of Command Center’s functionality, we could be waiting a while. If I remember correctly, it took years before Hybrid mode on the Helix became the more flexible “switch to anything” paradigm it features now.

No reason not to be optimistic though. Maybe the blueprint for various enhancements, established on previous modelers, will continue to accelerate their appearance on more current ones. It will be interesting to see how various modeling companies navigate through patents and proprietary technology to allow maximum functionality for their users. Would hate to see a situation like the one that developed early on in internet technology. For example, with the Amazon one-click patent lawsuit. Seems like certain functionality should be available to be implemented on any modern modeler.

An ideal outcome would be seeing certain types of enhanced functionality, like “switch to anything”, become the standard and a part of the initial release of these devices.

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Wether or not it is hard to implement, that’s the bar Neural have to pass. That’s what competition looks like. Command Center has been available for a while now in Helix world. Everyone else has to catch up. Qc is the new kid in town, they have to get there, or surpass it to be competitive. I hope they pay attention to this request, even if it takes them a while to get to it.


+1! Already pointed that out in my comments in Honeymoon Phase ends how do I feel now? - #34 by BrentG
The missing flexibility to use presets, scenes and stomps together is the reason why my QC just collects dust for a year now and why i still keep using my Helix.
Absolutely agree on that and that the QC is not up to the competition in this point. Boss can do it, Kemper can do it, Helix can do it, even new players like Mooer can do it. Every other brand is way ahead in terms of usability, flexibility and controlling possibilities.


Typically I’d wait to vote for a feature request extension on a new feature which is in beta (hybrid mode), but the Helix Command Center was my favorite feature when I had a Helix.

This would add a ton of flexibility!

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Es cierto lo que dice Enso… Quad Cortex no está a la altura de sus competidores. Es un producto inmaduro que carece de funcionalidades. Suena súper bien y tiene potencial. Pero el que suene bien, no lo es todo.

Ojalá Neural tome atención a lo que se ha comentado en esta petición.


this is a MUST HAVE feature for QC
totally agree


bump bump bump….

In fact best thing that can be happen, is to have this new device Mortrix inside our QC (also make all parameters drive by midi) :


It is my hope that Neural gets flooded with this exact request and eventually sees the need for this and implements it. Total midi flexibility and total unit control is what allows us to fully connect with our units. I remember gigging with my helix. It was so flexible in terms of routing setup and midi control that I was always confident that I could execute whatever I wanted to musically with my gear. NDSP team I sincerely hope you read this thread and take care of this request.

Full midi control, bypass anything with external midi hardware and software
Change color of any LED
Rename any block in gig view in any mode
Toggle any parameter with midi
PC / Mac control hot keys would be an added bonus

The QC is a rocketship! Lets get rid of these limitations and allow the unit to be what it is meant to.


Agree wholeheartedly that helix sets the bar for this. Command centre is unrivalled.

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If you agree please vote on the request! thanx!

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Woooooo, look at what this controller can do. Maybe we can dream that even inside the QC we can do that.


I gave the hybrid mode a try, but it is too limiting, went back to just using scenes. I hope they can make this feature request happen. Both helix and fractal do this already.

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Assign any to any should have been an option day one. Coming from the tech industry i look at the interfaces in music industry products and think: the 1990s called… can i have my UI back please? I love the QC- it is a really cool feat of engineering, but have a mode that lets you build your own “board” layout. When in doubt regarding features, make UI decisions that enable your user’s creativity. Again love the QC… just my .02


Exactly my point!

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This! Helix and Fractal have been doing this for years. To me, this is table stakes functionality that should have been there since the beginning.


Let’s hope this happens soon. I use the QC primarily live, so for me this is the most important missing feature.


absolutely agree!

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