Honeymoon Phase ends how do I feel now?

I use MIDI for setlist changes, or to change to gig view, or another mode, but primarily using scene mode live…using Setlist Maker on an ipad which sends midi to change presets according to the set list we have arranged and the song chosen…the midi settings are static, entered into Setlist Maker so any setlist move on the ipad, or song switch still recalls the right QC preset. Unless you are moving around presets inside the QC, there are zero worries about what preset, what setlist, what bank, etc. You can also send MIDI to change modes, or to gig view, which I will also do from the ipad. Using scene mode primarily for altering a preset within a song for anything necessary - clean, effects, boost, etc. Looking forward to hybrid mode because sometimes I do think stomp mode “inside a scene” would provide more options in a live setting.