WiFi help needed

CorOS Version: 3.0.0

Describe your issue:
When I turn it on, it asks for WiFi password
When I put it on standby and then press power, it asks for WiFi password
When I enter the WiFi password, the QC provides me with a “Connection Error”

My WiFi router is about 40’ from my QC
My Mac Studio, sitting on the same desk, has no problem connecting to WiFi (although I only connected to ensure it was not the WiFi signal itself - I have it connected via ethernet cable)

Any way to fix this issue?

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How can the WiFi/QC connection be improved?

The QC operates on the 2.4 GHz band, so make sure your network is either running in 2.4 GHz or mixed 2.4/5 GHz mode. Furthermore, the QC needs a connection strength of –60 dBm or higher to work properly.

Do not include special characters in your network name (SSID).
Reserve a static IP address for the QC in your router settings.
Many routers have an option for setting device priorities. Set the QC’s static IP address to “High Priority” or “Realtime Prioritization.”
When running the network in mixed mode, choose different SSID names for the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands.
If you are using a mobile device as a hotspot, turn on the “Maximize Compatibility” option.


Thank you for your response

However, I have no idea how to do any of the things you suggested

I am not a computer hardware or IT specialist

What I do know I that I am using a Verizon FiOS Gigabit WiFi router

What I also know is that I should not have to either hire a specialist to connect the QC to connect to WiFi — from all I have read, the QC’s WiFi issues are becoming legendary

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One of the simpler options is to hotspot the connection from your phone.
Have you tried that?

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Don’t beat yourself up.
I’m on my 2nd QC and I can’t get it to play nice with the home WiFi in spite of trying everything that’s been suggested on the forums & by NDSP support.
I can get it working fine using a hotspot connection from my mobile phone but only when the hotspot’s in 2.4 GHz mode, not 5 GHz.
FWIW, I was able to connect it to my in-laws’ WiFi when I was traveling for the holidays so it’s something to do with some obscure(d) settings (I went through my home Wi-Fi router’s settings page by page) in the WiFi router - maybe try a different one?


Me too. Tried every possible option, including tweaking my router settings ad nauseam. I had a faint hope that the rewrite to CorOS 3.0 would address this. Sigh.

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Yes, I have tried that but, according to T-Mobile, the hotspot only connects to certain types of devices (of which the QC is not one)

have you contacted Support@NeuralDSP.com ?
Having to sign in each time isn’t a common issue anymore, this seems more like you might have a problem with your QC.
You are updated to the latest CorOS 3?

Have you tried connecting via USB to the desktop editor program, Cortex Control? This will tether to your computer’s internet connection and bypass the need for wifi.

The QCs wifi chip does not support 5ghz at all IIRC

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I’m having the same issue. WiFi worked fine for me until I updated to CorOS 3.0.0 a few days ago. Now I’m not able to connect to my network at all. No changes in WiFi configuration, password, etc. @xush to your point, I haven’t had to log in in quite some time, but upon update to 3.0.0 my QC disconnected from my WiFi network.

I also tried the USB connection route, but it does not appear to be functioning for me. This is using the latest Cortex Control version (1.1.0) as well.

Unless there’s a troubleshooting path currently available, I may need to do a factory reset, go back to my latest backup before 3.0.0 and wait for the next release.

Be aware that a reset + restoring a backup does not downgrade the OS to the version that was installed when creating the backup.

Are you able to establish a connection to your WiFi under Settings → Connection? Or, is the problem with linking device under the ‘My Account’ tab?

If the problem is under ‘My Account’ you might want to contact Support@NeuralDSP.com as @xush suggested.

@DavidRSTV thanks for pointing that out. Does a factory reset not revert it to the factory-installed OS version, though? If it does, would I not be able to just re-upgrade to the latest OS prior to 3.0.0 after doing the reset?

@HonestOpinion the root issue for me (as far as I can tell) is connecting to WiFi under Settings → Connection. I’m not able to log into my account either, but that seems to be stemming from the inability to connect the device to the internet.

Have you tried rebooting your router rather than the QC? Sometimes that can do the trick.

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resets do not roll it back to the previous OS, neither does restoring it from an older backup. Once the new CorOS is installed, there’s no going back.
We have asked for this option, though:

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@xush That’s a risky nuance… Good to know. Thanks for requesting that feature, too.

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It looks like that actually solved it. Seems odd, but it worked.

It also looks like the issue with connection over USB was my VPN. It seems maybe Cortex Control doesn’t consider that a valid internet connection, or my VPN was blocking an element Cortex Control/QC needs to connect.

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I can establish a connection via WiFi for a few seconds

Not sure if this comment was directed at @xush or me. @xush had some excellent suggestions at the top of this topic.

If you already tried rebooting your router (that seemed to work at least once today, maybe we can hope for a trend :grin:) you may want to try bringing up your router’s home/management page and see if it is kicking back any messages while you connect the QC or information that might point you towards the problem.

Depending on the security you have set up it could even be waiting for you to allow that connection. Would probably give you more than a few seconds prompt though if that were the case.

Perhaps there is something in your router configuration that the QC doesn’t find entirely agreeable and that allows a partial connection but causes it to gakk before the “handshake” is complete.

Also, the usual advice of having a separately named SSID for the 2.4GHz band on your router, and getting as close to the router as you can. At least while you test connectivity.

From the description in your initial post though, it could be that your issue might have something to do with a login issue, in which case your best bet might be to contact Neural support.

Have you tried connecting from another location through a different WiFi? If you still have a problem, it might be the login.