WIFI connection issues: I cannot get my QC to connect or recognize my iPhone hotspot

I have two possible sources at my home for WIFI. One is a router that seems to be too far away. The second is my iPhone 13 Hotspot. I cannot get it to connect to my QC at all. I am aware of setting the hotspot to “Maximize Capability” which I understand makes it use 2.4ghz. I do have that switched on.

I am open to any suggestions. Thanks.

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Hi @BrianVallotton , there are a few things to consider etc. , 1.) Make sure your SSID doesn’t contain any odd non-standard characters. 2.) Consider setting a static connection using the QC’s MAC (you have to use your router to determine MAC etc.) 3.) Some have had better performance using alternate AP’s. 4.) Try to ensure nothing is blocking the path between the QC and your AP.

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Looking at the standard, an SSID should be able to contain absolutely any data, but being sensible certainly any UTF-8 character - unless that’s what you meant by “odd non-standard”, something not UTF-8?

Is there an issue that restricts things further?

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Not that I am aware of, I have seen responses from NDSP support indicating non-standard characters (e.g. #@$ etc.) prevents connectivity.

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Have you tested your iPhone’s hotspot by connecting a different device to it? Just to make sure the hotspot is operating correctly.

If you have a router that is set up with one name for both the 2.4ghz and 5ghz bands it may be helpful to reconfigure it as separate SSID’s with unique names, e.g. “2.4ghz_MyRouter” and “5ghz_MyRouter”. Then try connecting to “2.4ghz_Myrouter”. If the router is just too far away adding an old router as a repeater/extender might help. That or setting up a mesh network.

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Very helpful advice! Thanks. I did end up moving my router and have a stronger signal. On the iPhone it does seamlessly work with other devices with the Hotspot. So no reason I can see for it not to connect with the QC. I do have a connection and that is good enough for me for now. Maybe someday I will find out about the iPhone situation. Thanks again for your thoughtful response :pray::guitar::pray:

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