Quad Cortex shipping delay?

…Well…Just got a call from a Sweetwater rep and Neural just told them that they won’t be getting the QC at Sweetwater until probably May now…“Farfegnugen!!!” :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

:man_facepalming: This is painful, if true. My SW rep has communicated differently. Not saying one is telling the truth and one is not. If true, SW needs to do the right thing and update its website. It currently says March, which is already not happening based on the latest update. I am hoping for April. :pray:t2:

Yeah, to be fair to SW, the rep told me that Neural has been giving them conflicting information, and has been changing the shipping date constantly, so it appears they’re just as confused as we are. :man_shrugging:


Well, I’ve just received a rather nice service support email from Neural. some time ago my email system blew up and I need to to change the address on my account as no emails came through.
So they remembered and have set up a new account for me . This was ‘in preparation for the upcoming shipment’.
I see the light and the end of the tunnel, and it’s not the oncoming train.

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As far as Sweetwater preorders go, you’re likely to get different estimates based on when you placed your order. Sweetwater has something like 2-3K units on order and if they’re still working on final assembly of tiered preorders, it’s probably safe to assume that Sweetwater’s going to receive multiple shipments over time to fulfill their initial order. Depending on where you are in that queue will determine the estimated ship date for your particular order.

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Just to clarify…the SW rep did tell me that my order was in the first wave of QCs they’ll be receiving. I ordered early.

Normally the uk is at the back of the que. Lol

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I ordered in December 2020 and my SW rep told me I was in the first wave as well.

I think Sweetwater is pretty much talking a lot of nonsense and I would not trust them any second.
-They changed their dates multiple times
-According to what I hear, everybody seems to be on ‘‘the first batch’’
-They’ve put pressure near year end for people to finance on a ‘‘deal’’

basically, I wouldn’t trust em and trust the NDSP’s official statement

I have not made a pre-order but I’ve been staying in touch with my SW rep off/on re: when they will get the QCs… his latest reply to me this morning said “Nothing yet… just waiting for NDSP”… made sense to me… and he’s been my rep going on 15 years so I trust him.

I have been going through my rep for the past 5 years or so. He told me the same. He told me up front that everything hinges on just how many units they receive in the first batch. They’ll have no idea how many pre-orders will get fulfilled in the first shipment until NDSP ships. Until then, it’s purely speculative. Even the best insider info can be proven wrong at the last minute due to unforseen circumstances. As he put it, he’s seen promised shipments not happen or not in nearly the expected numbers before. I respect him not getting caught in that trap again.

From what I understand, Sweetwater has somewhere around 3K QCs on order so the batches could be rather large. I wonder how many batches they expect to get. That might be an interesting question for the SE who tells you you’re in the first batch.

that number is friggin huge, you sure it is reliable? I mean it is roughly 5M USD in order from one store, on one brand… I don’t know but I think it is a lot. That is 8 QC sold per day for a year.

Source is solid. It sounds like a lot but SW is the exclusive retailer in what is likely the world’s largest MI market. In that light, 30% of the 10K ordered doesn’t seem so outrageous.

It does bring us back to how big each shipment will be. 200? 500? 1000? That to me is the interesting question when it comes to being in SW’s “first batch”. If the sales guys are talking about the initial order, that’s meaningless because we know it’s going to take a while to manufacture and ship 10K units. Doug has said as much.


while we’re playing this guessing (albeit educated guessing) what do you think SW’s margin is? my guess is their cost = $1300/unit.

I worked for GC as a guitar sales guy for 3 years and the employee discount on house brand stuff (stands, cables, etc) was crazy good… but any major name brand stuff was about 20-35% at most… I think I paid about $450 for the Boss ES-8 which at the time was $699 retail.

I spoke to my Thomann rep about a month ago. He told me they had roughly 600 units pre-ordered by customers and according to NDSP they’ll be able to deliver all of them within the first batch. Assuming that most but not all of these units will be going to the German market, 3000 units for the US does not seem too crazy.

I ordered a month ago from Thomann, and I see that the waiting period is always 4-5 weeks … I honestly doubt I will have the unit in the next few days…

I contacted Thomann today and they confirmed that if yo udidn’t pre-ordered it you will receive it probably end of April. I ordered mine on 22.02.2021. So we have to patient. 2 months is nothing if you compare it to the pre ordered ones. They had to wait about 15 months…

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With the US leaping forward to Summertime hours - have I leapt too far; jumped into 2022, or worse jumped back in time to September 2020?? I was expecting (hoping) that in my email box this morning there would be the updated invoice for the release of the Quad; at the the very least squeals of rapture on various website forums from the Tier 1 European participants that the long awaited release was in full flow …

Is the post that the Tier 1 email has been sent factual??