Quad Cortex owners - we're giving away €5m of free plugins!

Wow that is super awesome!!! Thank you! and congrats on this huge milestone!!! I look forward to more plugins that offer a variety of styles now that we have an ultra modern platform to use as a standalone source!!!

Yeah, this is stupid.

The bar owner gave your mates an extra free pint because they were late, and also a discount on entry. No one thinks you should have two, and they one. I think maybe everyone should get two drinks, since the drinks are infinitely copyable data.

The fucking strawmen people are coming up with are wild.

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Warning : (very) long (and useless) post ahead.

The psychology behind the whole ‘1 vs 2 free plugin offered’ drama can be explained like this : it is the direct consequence of the poor wording/public relationship of NDSP that created a huge expectation in the mind of the ‘early adopters’, leaving them to think that the ‘surprise’ would be even bigger than a free plugin (in order to ‘reward’ them for beeing supportive/patient’) even if NDSP never explicitly claimed that it would be the case

In order to boost sales, there can be some ‘special promotional sales’ (like the ‘buy a QC between august and december and receive a free plugin’), and it is perfectly fine, and most people understand that.

But when NDSP add '‘If you purchased your Quad Cortex before August 1st, 2023, unfortunately, you won’t be able to take advantage of this promotion. However, we’ve got some good news for you – we’ve got a special gift waiting for you when we roll out Plugin Compatibility on the Quad Cortex.’ it create a huge expectation (especially for the long-time owner who had to wait years for desktop editor and plugin integration).

The most important part of the NDSP initial sentence are ‘special gift’ and ‘for you’.
If it is ‘special’ compared to the ‘free plugin of the promotional sale’ , it lead to think that it is more than a plugin (but again, the wording is vague and subject to interpretation).
The ‘for you’ part unambiguously designate the persons who bought their QC before august 2023 , not the whole QC owners community.

So, when everyone gets a free plugin, the persons that though they were ‘special in the eyes of NDSP’ are suddenly ‘normal people’, and the ‘special gift’ is no longer ‘special’ because it is the same gift as in the promotional sales…
To summarize : ‘normal people’ get 2 gifts , ‘special people’ get 1 gift.

You have all the ingredients to cause troubles among the QC community…

Moral of the story :

  • NDSP: don’t promise too much, the internet remember every piece of random sentence you write. Don’t be too vague, public relationship is difficult because everyone interpret the same sentence differently.
  • QC Owners : don’t expect too much from a company. They are doing business. Most company don’t care about existing customers, what they want are ‘new customers’ to increase their sales.

And, yes, I’m guilty too.
As an early adopter (2021/12) I really hoped that the ‘special gift’ would be more ‘special’ than that (even if I appreciate the ‘free plugin’ anyway, thanks for that NDSP) , I feel a little bit disappointed… (this, and that the ‘agressive update plan’ , that was a major decision factor for me, is still not a thing).

So, yes, I understand that people can be p*ssed off about all if this, I was at a time (2.0 era) but now I consider the QC as a piece of gear, NDSP as a company, and if/when another company produces a comparable small-footprint device that is ‘better’ (for me) I will let go my QC and move on…

This is not a rant against NDSP, it is only my point of view (that no one asked for :rofl:, but this is a forum, the very definition of a forum is a ‘public place where anyone can talk and debate’)

Sorry for the long post.


Thank you, that is exactly what I was trying to say in all these post!

1st, we are complaining about a company that made a promise to older users especially when they emailed us and posted on their website. Some people are complaining about us because we just complained about a company you like? Who does not like NDSP and Quad cortex? We are not complaining about those people who are getting 2nd plugin and everyone else who is getting 1 plugin. Are you these people representing NDSP as PR? What I am doing is not even a complaint, and I am representing myself to just ask a simple question “What about the older user before August 2023?” to NDSP.

2nd, if “special” is everyone getting the same thing, what is the point of “special”? I remember there were first 2000 or 3000 QC come with a hard book, then no one is getting that book unless customers send their QC back to NDSP to repair. That hard book means a special gift for me. Every QC come with a guitar pick, is that pick a special gift? No, it is a standard stuff comes with QC.
Util today, has NDSP mentioned somewhere anything to users before August 2023? They mentioned last time in August 2023, because it is a time point. Now August 2024 is another time point, then everyone is becoming “a user before August 2024”.

3rd, are you these people going to be happy, upset, or you don’t care, if a user before August 2023 is getting a “special gift” as NDSP promised?

Exactly the same thoughts here !

100%, the aggressive updates thing is what disapointed me the most cause it was also the final decision factor (this and the Synth blocked teased).
I’m a bit afraid that with the PG compatibility, updates will more be like a DLC things, that if you want new amps and effects just buy some plugins…

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Forum today acronym :


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Let’s just say I definitely wouldn’t hire you to be my accountant.

It takes a “special” kind of person to be anything other than happy when you get what YOU were promised and then, additionally, something good happens for someone else.

The 31st is approaching quickly– I’m excited about the new devices everybody gets and I’m excited about snagging the Mateus plugin!

What are you grabbing?


I’ll have to bank my gift voucher til a new PI gets released, but man you’ll love that Asato- I sure do. That multihead delay alone is worth it

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Thank you for the free plugin! Much appreciated.


I agree with you man. It’s total bollocks. It basically sends a message that the old users who went out and paid a higher price for an over-promised unit shouldn’t have and just bought it later on. Users don’t forget.

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uh, perhaps they DO forget:
we actually paid a LOWER price if you’ll recall- early adopters got a deal and some exclusive goodies.

I didn’t. Not sure what other goodies you’re referring to. The price dropped on the unit more but not much more than a year ago. I bought mine in august 2021. I definitely never bought it cheaper.

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Huh. Yeah, I wasn’t that early…

I did, it’s why I bought when I did- they announced the introductory price would increase eventually and it did.

Early adopters got an engraved backplate and commemorative book (I wasn’t in that group though)

I think I’d rather have two plugins but thanks anyway lol


Perfect explanation. I’m an early adopter, and how your worded it captures it perfectly.

Missing the price drop, and sales promo of a free plugin doesn’t bother me (i bought the QC on its merits at the time or purchase, with understanding more was coming “SOON”… It’s being promised a “special” gift to award us being beta testers for the last couple years as updates slowly came out.


I think this gift is special.

The PCOM is a huge feature they have had a considerable amount of time invested in. They promised to bring compatibility, but they never promised us a plugin to utilize it.

I think it’s very generous of NDSP to gift us this opportunity to try it out for no extra cost. Maybe some that would never have bought a plugin can now try out this “soon” to come feature!

Thank you again NDSP!!! :smiley:


I will say the aggressive updates thing seems to be more akin to Tesla truck pricing. I would just like effects to actually be a point of focus in the future since drives and amps are a non issue with plugins and captures. Let’s hope this big investment they made in overhauling everything to deliver on a promise doesn’t end up making them go the way of “well you can get new effects if you buy more plugins”. Now THAT would really chap me but otherwise I guess it’s a wait and see game. Shouldn’t be a big deal sounds like most QC owners are used to waiting