Quad Cortex owners - we're giving away €5m of free plugins!

I think there was an expectation for something exclusive for old users. Is that expectation “entitled”? Maybe. But Neural didn’t have to make that statement addressing old users specifically. They could have just left it alone and then this new thing would objectively just be “Surprise!! Free gift for all!! You get a plugin! And you get a plugin! And you get a plugin!”

Unless this is all a calculated ploy to create conversation/conflict. As soon as I saw this new announcement I knew this would be the conversation and it brought me here lol.


I can assure you that i won’t feel something because you tell me to and how i feel is not a need it’s a reaction to a frustration, an expectation (not of my own making) then again a frustration that our “special” things was just wind.

Considering how it goes just giving a free plugin for everyone at that time and everybody would have been very happy (probably NDSP too cause now they have to give early users 2 times)


Same questions we are asking you. Why do you care what we gotta get? It doesn’t affect you in the to tiniest bit.


Right! Haha

I suppose you are always welcome to show your displeasure with what’s happened by refusing your free plug in. I bet that’ll show em! LOL

I got no beef with you, man. By all means, feel what you feel. I was curious why those that felt slighted felt that way when the give away didn’t take anything away from them. It just didn’t make sense to me is all. Still doesn’t to be honest, but I guess it’s not supposed to. We all see things differently.

Enjoy your QC and I hope you get your free plug in and make awesome music with it.


But you ARE getting the plugin. You’re just upset someone else is too, right? That’s the part that confused me. No one’s taking anything away from you.

No worries. Some things don’t make sense and that’s okay. Enjoy your plug in and I hope you make some great music with it that makes you smile. That’s the end goal anyway I think.

I think you’re confused because you’re missing the point. People who bought between August 2023 and December 2023 ish get 2 free plugins. The rest of us - including those who bought before the MSRP drop - get 1.

No one wants special treatment. No one wants something special that the noobs aren’t allowed. No one thinks ‘something has been taken away’.

The wording of the press release is what irks me;

For Quad Cortex owners since August 1st, 2023:
We appreciate your support, and we want to show our gratitude by gifting you a free plugin.

Notice me senpai :frowning:


If everyone is getting same free things, in some ways, everyone is getting nothing.
We are not upset to those ppl who are getting 2nd free plugin, that is what the company is giving to them, and we are feeling well because we are all customers. We are unhappy because NDSP doesn’t say anything about older users who bought QC before August 2023, but they told us “ stay tuned” in August 2023.


Screenshot 2024-07-23 131535


Polemics on free plugin as gift Is


ABSURD, out of grace…

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I don’t feel I’m missing the point. I just see it differently than you, and that’s cool too.

I see the users that got a free plug in with purchase during the holidays did so as a sales incentive. They got that plugin because they bought at a time that NDSP wanted to drive sales and was willing to take a financial hit to do so. Good on them!

In addition to that, NDSP decided to reward ALL QC folks with a free plug in. That includes the earliest adopters (exactly what they said they would do) and those that have purchased during or since the sales incentive last year. Everyone wins and thank you very much NDSP!!!

These are two separate things in my mind but clearly not in some of yours, and again that’s okay. I was attempting to understand the differences between our perceptions but it’s just beating a dead horse at this point. Feel slighted if you wish. I’m gonna go play my guitar and smile. I hope you get your free plug in and decide to do the same.


I mean I still don’t even understand the hype over the whole plugin hoopla to begin with. I have 3 plugins and the qc. I feel I get more usable tones easier on the qc than I do on the plugins. The only benefit I see is the special pedal types. Get them on the 50% off sale. Just because you were a voluntary beta tester just be be cutting edge doesn’t win you anything. That’s like saying gm should replace your c5 corvette motor with a c8 corvette motor because you were an early adopter of the corvette. Also just be glad NDSP hasn’t fallen into the hardware refresh game and tanked prices of your original unit. Look at Headrush and others of the aspiring kind. They’re standing on this hardware and digging in. Be thankful that this tech purchase hasn’t devalued like just about everything else electronic.


Well i’m not masochist so i’m not happy with not having the first plugin so i won’t let this one go, trust me !! :sweat_smile:

Obviously people like me and you don’t understand each other on this topic, as you already said, you don’t get it and that’s perfectly fine.

Thanks, i sure enjoy it and surely will enjoy the plugin to make the greatest music i can !

Sorry to change topic but I gotta vent. I arranged to meet some friends at our favorite bar last night, when they open at 6:00. I was there at 6:00, my buddies finally showed at 6:15 but the owner didn’t show until 6:30. At 6:45, the owner walks over with a free round for me AND my friends, to make up for being late. The nerve of that guy! I was the one who waited the longest. I should have gotten 2 drinks!


Really bad example. You totally don’t understand what happened since August 2023 till this week.

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Ah ah, bad exemple because in that case, if we apply what happened for QC owners, your friends who showed later would have 2 drinks and you only one :joy:

So i wouldn’t put a stone in your mind if you thought that it would be better if you had also 2 !!!

Edit: things considered, your exemple is finally very good to understand the feelings of some of us about this !! thanks !

Haha, not only his friend got 2, he got 1, everyone else at the bar got 1 as well.

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And then I find out that my buddies were there two nights ago for the buy-on-get-one special. It’s not fair!

Perhaps you’re right Banjinbuban. Here’s what I do understand. I’ve had my QC since January of 23. Although there are things that could be improved and NDSP could be faster about delivering their updates, the QC is still THE best sounding, easiest-to-program guitar processor I’ve owned (and I’ve owned many). Would I be unhappy if NDSP was offering me two free plugins? Of course not. They are offering one.

I admit that I get frustrated with forum members who look for things to be negative about. Instead of focusing on sharing information and helping each other advance this cool device, they choose to look for opportunities to paint themselves as some kind of victim. Everyone here has the opportunity to make the most of this space, or they can waste it by going on about how big-bad corporate giant Neural DSP has screwed you over by not giving you enough free plugins. I’m choosing to take the long awaited update and my one free plugin and moving on. I hope the rest of you can do the same.


Dear Neural DSP, I ordered my QC back in April 2021 and am thrilled that you are giving me a free plugin. I’m also thrilled for the people who have received two plugins for free. Free plugins are a generous gift and something to be happy about.

After 150+ Meow Wolf solo gigs and zero QC failures, thank you for the unending dedication to updating and improving this amazing product!


Hell yes!

I’m super stoked that this box I shelled out for a few years back continues to bring me joy and new surprises along the way.