Quad Cortex owners - we're giving away €5m of free plugins!

What should I do to get my plugin?

Read the link from the first post but to summarize:
To redeem your free plugin, you have to follow these steps:

Update your Quad Cortex to CorOS 3.0.0 when it is available on July 31st.

Log in to your Neural DSP account on your Quad Cortex.

Log in to your Neural DSP account on the Neural DSP website and go to the gifts page.

You will be able to choose any one of the plugins from our catalog - not just the X plugins.

This campaign will run until Wednesday August 28th. You must update your Quad Cortex to CorOS 3.0.0 before this date to receive your free gift.


I wish they would give us some idea of the roll out schedule. I have three plugins already and none on the lists. The first two being offered don’t really grab me have not checked to the other two yet. Will it be a year before the three In already own get adpated. What about any others?

You will hear about it here (and here:News - Neural DSP) if and or when they provide a schedule for the remaining plugins. Thanks!

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“if and or when” that’s not what was meant I think. :sweat_smile:

Plugins vs presets…

I’m still not sure I understand the difference. Why not just make a preset that is identical to a ‘plugin’ tone?

Is it that a preset is a snapshot, and a plugin is more adjustable in line with how the amp would respond to tone adjustments?

Thanks for helping me wrap my head around the differences.

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Presets are just a collection of blocks/devices on the grid. You put your devices on the grid, assign stomps or build scenes and save that as one preset.

The plugins are originally built for PC/Mac and model different amps, cabs and effects than the ones on QC.
With plugin compatibility, the amps, cabs and effects from your plugins will be made available as blocks on the QC. (support for different plugins will be added over time)

You can then use these new devices in your own presets.
Also the factory presets from the desktop plugin will be available as QC presets.


Should I get the Plini X plugin free as I can then try PCOM now or wait till Rabea X is available. I want the synth so would prefer to wait but not sure how long it will be and if I really need a synth? What would you guys that own Plini and Rabea suggest?

I don’t own either, but pondering a similar thing.

Screenshots of the Synth on QC (in the Sweetwater vid) appear to show that it is not part of the plugins and potentially might be available to all. That hasn’t been confirmed either way by NDSP though.

The main thing in my mind is that Plini is about 30 Euros cheaper than Rabea, so you get more free with Rabea.

The extra OD, Fuzz and freeze Reverb are the big seller for me on Rabea.


As the synth block was teased from the beginning of the quad cortex i doubt that it is finally something you have to pay for, i would think it’s unfair (for the least) but as i said i really don’t think.

I also think when the synth block will come, it will be great !



Thanks for your input, I see what you mean about Rabea seeming more for your free with the extra devices. I agree. It makes it a hard choice, if they were both out it would be Rabea for me but as I have to wait who knows how long I’m tempted with Plini. As we have loads of ODs & Fuzz factory so that doesn’t swing it too much. However the Freeze Reverb and Synth you mention does. Decisions decisions :grimacing:

Do you know if you can get the same effect from the factory Freeze block combined with a Reverb block as what the Freeze Verb does?


Fingers crossed you are correct as I might pull the trigger on Plini to get a plugin to use now and pray the Synth gets added for free in the next update. It’s strange how they have a working demo but didn’t release it with 3.0.0. Maybe issues or maybe it is just for Rabea plugin to force us to splash some extra cash if we want that feature. Would be poor if they are playing it that way.

Just thought of another variable. Presets. Who has the better presets? Ahhhhh!!! :joy:

Unfortunately I can’t do a demo of them both as I ran a trial previously. :sleepy:

They will renew your trial license if you email and ask

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@xush Brilliant thanks for that. I’ll go do it now.

Happy days thanks @xush. Support were super fast to reply and extend trial.

Time to A B them and make a decision!

Excited!!! :guitar::fire::+1:


Spot on @BenM !
I don’t think it was hard to understand, but from reading many of the posts here the issue was lost on a lot of people.
As you say, the key points are that NDSP specifically “The ‘for you ’ part unambiguously designate the persons who bought their QC before august 2023 , not the whole QC owners community” stated that early adopters would receive something special (suggesting exclusive, but I guess that’s where poor wording comes in). NDSP should’ve just said “don’t worry, if you purchased before August 2023, you and everyone else will be receiving something special”

I’m not a mega early adopter (bought mine in February 2023), but could see how the people who bought the unit really early on could feel a bit annoyed if early on they promoted the unit via Youtube/socials etc (I don’t mean “influencers” who received free/loan units)
Personally, i did get my hopes up a bit for something “special”/exclusive, but I was never overly fussed with plug-ins anyway. More recently, as I’ve been recording at some I’ve become more interested and I did buy the Rabea plug in when it was 50% off, as the synth kind of sounds, sound excellent and I’d have a use for that in a live situation on the QC (any news re; how long it’ll be until we have an X ver. to use on the QC?)
Essentially, I can see why some are annoyed (especially when people somehow don’t understand the disappointment and feel the need to chime in), but I think it’s good that everyone get’s a free plug-in* and it totally makes sense why NDSP would give everyone plug-in; great marketing and hopefully some of the knob heads on YT who used the lack of plug-in compat to bash the QC will shut up now.
*NDSP still should follow up on the “special” gift for early adopters though; or atleast come out and acklowledge that they worded things porrly/changed plans.
I’m over it, as my prediction (which IIRC at least one person poo-pood) was that we’d a free plug-in and that happened. Maybe if NDSP had been more specific and said early adopters were going to receive which interested me a bit more (early access to improved/more tailorable wahs - see Fractal) I’d feel a bit more annoyed.
Re; a comment I read regarding “atleast the QC prices haven’t tanked” - over here in the U.K I do see QC’s going for as low at £1,000 and I see that stuff like Helix floors etc seem to be holding their value more? - so i don’t think that’s necessarily true, at least in the U.K.
I think with the plug-in integration we’ll probably see the QC go back up in value on the used market, so bravo to NDSP and also, I’m really hoping that NDSP can now put more energy in to adding/improving effects (which whilst good, probably just need more parameters to sound excellent; tremolo, wah, univibe etc. I like that compared to the Fractal i used to own, the QC doesn’t suffer so much from option paralysis, but an “deep dive” tab or something with more parameters would be great in some instances.


I don’t care what anyone says, and I’m not going to argue with anyone, but I agree that it was bad form to give two plugins to those who bought later and paid less. This company has been tone deaf on a couple of occasions now. It is what it is.


Yes this is precisely the point. They’ve rewarded late adopters who also would have paid less for the unit. Zero acknowledgement for early adopters. People will remember down the track when it’s new product time.


I got an email saying there is a gifrt for me but the page sais “you have zero gifts”. Whats wrong?

I had this happen as well. I had to sign out and sign in twice before the gift showed up on my browser.

All the best, bud!

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