Quad Cortex owners - we're giving away €5m of free plugins!

100%. But; imagine if my being an entitled prick got us older owners a 2nd plugin to choose from?

Unless they come out with something that includes a Chase Bliss Mood or something particularly special, I’m unlikely to ever buy a plugin. Picking only one is difficult! Obviouslly QC has amps covered IMO, so it’s all about effects the plugins can add.

So ppl who got promotions during August 2023, they will get 2nd free plugin? What about older users before August 2023?

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You get a free plugin with the new OS lol. That’s the gift. Plus it’s cool they’ll include people who got QC’s second hand. The new OS has any of the extra features I’d expect, so this rules

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Ahahaha a Chase Bliss Mood clone in the QC? Super cool pedal, but that’s so niche of a pick

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Just an example of something unique and different…but yeah it would be a great addition. Moreso now the new one is stereo, so takes up both FX loops if you wanna take advantage. A MOOD block could be stereo without sacrificing both loops.

They offer a free plugin and the complaints roll in. Unbelievable.


Oh I’ll let it go, don’t worry about that, just mad for the moment, that seemingly no one understands why me and other early adopters are feeling upset about NDSP announcing a “special gift to anyone who bought before August 1st 2023”
and then this gift turns out to be “every one gets a free plugin.”

Don’t get me wrong a free plugin is nice and all, I was just hoping for a bit more as “Thanks” for supporting and helping improve the QC for a long time (in my case since Sept 2021).
Maybe I just read things into the statement back then out of desperation…

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Fully agree. I was so happy to see that I get a free plugin. Even if others got two, why should I complain? I don’t get it.


I don’t get it. Just because there was another promotion doesn‘t mean, your gift isn‘t great. What more do you want. A special effect that just early adopters can use? Why? Is it better, if it‘s available just for the chosen few?
I‘m very happy with the free plugin and the QC. Everyone was complaining about paid dlc for existing users. We get new effects for everyone (normal QC) effects and you can choose form the plugins, whatever fits your need. I don‘t get the anger at all!


All I‘m hoping for is that Toneking, Cory Wong and Asato will be ported soon. But I‘m patient, because I play my QC for hours every day and I‘m already happy with it :metal:


If a QC was un-registered from the original owner’s account before the launch of this campaign and a new owner registers the device to his or her account after the launch of the campaign. Will he or she be eligible to claim the free plugin?

I don’t think past accounts matter. You just need to use your account to update a unit before August 28th.

Awesome! Now it’s time to get the Rabea Plugin :melting_face:

I’m with you on that, we were supposed to have something specials for us (older user than the previous one) it’s what they said (not us !!) so it can’t be that apart if they just said that for calming us at that time (which i was sur it was).

Sure i’m happy to have a free plugin but it was not the deal, i really don’t understand all the fanboys here that can’t understand that…

So (very sorry in advance if i’m wrong but i don’t think i am, still hope i am)
-There was never someting “special” for us, they lied in front of our faces and some of us (like me) are pissed off and we can’t adress it without beeing taken for ungrateful for poiting it and showing or bitterness.


So to be clear, those complaining about everyone getting a plugin are happy they got something for free, but upset because someone else wasn’t denied the thing they got… for free? Why do you care what they got? It doesn’t affect you in the to tiniest bit.


Some interesting maths (I thought anyway)…

“We’re giving away €5m of free plugins”
Highest priced plugin is Petrucci @ €179
Average plugin price = €134

Depending on how they’ve calculated it, that means that about 28000 to 37000 QCs have been sold (or are expected to have been sold by the end of August).

Edit: some maths is off because of UK VAT. So potentially add 20% to the sales numbers.

I think it’s just the wording of their previous communication acknowledging they are left out customers who purchased before Aug 1st 2023 and that they will have a special gift waiting for them. That clearly created false hope for some based on the reaction. Seems like a common theme in my time with Neural and their customers. Maybe it’s a tactic to create discussion?


Not at all, you didn’t get it !

At first some early users that had the QC when it was very less “finished” felt not very good that early users get a free plugin and (like a lot of company, i know) again like very often the seniority doesn’t count.

It’s not me that said the early users will have a special gift.

It’s not about what newer users gets but what early didn’t.


If I remember the whole story correctly, it was

  • Promotion: every new QC buyer gets a plugin
  • Huge upset of old users, why don’t we get one?
  • Communication of “special gift” to not piss off old users too much
  • Huge discussion that the special gift might be something shitty and old users would prefer a free plugin
  • Announcement that old users get a free plugin
  • New complaints that “special gift” should be more than a free plugin

Whatever, I will not argue anymore. I’m old enough to accept things I don’t understand and still live in peace. :slight_smile:


But us early users were just given a free plugin, weren’t we? What someone else hets doesn’t really affect you does it? Be happy for them if you need to “feel” something. We all get to make great music with a terrific bit of kit that’s improving with every update.