MIDI control only works in standalone, not DAW

Hi @dimitris.mitrolios. Check if this works:

  • Open Reaper, go to Options > Preferences… > MIDI Devices and check that your device is recognized at MIDI inputs and MIDI outputs.

  • Double click on your device at MIDI inputs, check Enable input from this device and Enable input for control messages . Then double click on your device at MIDI outputs and check Enable output to this device . There’s a video that goes through this.

  • Create two tracks. Insert the VST2 version of Archetype: Plini on the first track. Then go to the second track and make it a sub-track of the first one by drag-and-drop or by clicking on the folder icon at the bottom-left corner of the track:

    reaper midi 1

  • Go to the second track and set the input as your MIDI device (Input MIDI > All MIDI inputs > All channels ). You can also make a send from the MIDI track to the Plini track.

  • Enable monitoring and check if the track receives an input signal when you send notes/PC/CC messages. It should get registered on both tracks:

    reaper midi 2

  • You can record some notes/PC messages to check if everything is routed correctly:

    reaper midi 3

  • After this, you just need to map your presets/parameters using the MIDI learn function or the MIDI mappings window. You can also use this method to automate preset changes through notes/PC messages.

I think there’s also another method using ReaControlMIDI. There are plenty of tutorials that show how to use it: ReaControlMIDI Plugin in REAPER