Any info on the Desktop app for QC at NAMM?

I saw they have the desktop editor for the QC at NAMM but have seen no reviews, videos or info on it… has anyone got info to share or have tried it personally as to know how it is and any estimates for the release date?


Hi, I’m looking for informations too.

You can see it briefly here:

It looks like almost the reproduction of what your QC screen with more menu, not at all what i expected but wait and see !

Just out of curiosity, which functions are you expecting in “Cortex Control”?
The Helix and Fractal desktop apps are basically just there to build presets, aren’t they?
And why should building presets look different on a PC/Mac sreen than on the QC touchscreen?


I must say that i don’t know what to say cause i don’t know what is in tha QC editor yet but i already saw the fractal one and use the kemper one.

They are obviously very different cause they don’t have a screen like the QC, it probably make sence that it’s visualy is the same but when i thought of the editor, i always visualised it very different from the QC screen, more with their classy plugins look. (for that it is not what i’m expected but didn’t said that in negative way, just on a computer i have the plugnins visual in my mind)


Ok, understood. Then let’s see which features are implemented.

Personally, I would be very disappointed if they wasted development time on fancy amp graphics and designing a new UI. The UI on QC is really good already, so what is really needed is to scale it so that you can constantly see the whole signal chain while editing blocks and to make use of mouse and keyboard for more advanced functions. Axe-Edit is the way it is because there is an obvious benefit to scaling the UI to a larger screen, such as showing the entire signal chain at once, but it’s still the same basic idea as on the unit itself. One competitor has a PC UI with useless, massive generic amp graphics that just take up screen estate.


I looked numerous times over the weekend and seen nothing other than the video in Spanish that is posted here. You would think that it was a secret or something. Why wouldn’t Neural produce a small video in English for us? I know they are busy, but they could have produced it and then shared it at a specific time during the weekend… I guess that is asking a lot. I don’t get how they do business. The competition is on their heels and they act like they are not. I tend to be impatient… can you tell? :wink:


They are just getting back from NAMM so I would expect a bit for them to get back into the groove and hopefully provide some new updates regarding the editor and future development.


Probably with a major hangover too :rofl:


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Too much fun? :wink:

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Based on my experiences, NAMM is ROUGH! It’s exhausting, non-stop, and LOUD. Not a good environment AT ALL for presenting any official content. Also, some things that are touted as ‘NAMM exclusives’ tend to be perks for the attendees that aren’t available to the general public.
That said, there’s at least one other Facebook video that shows footage of the editor, but there really doesn’t seem to be that much more to show- it does what the touchscreen does, but on the computer. No one has mentioned any capabilities beyond what the QC already does.


Yeah, like a few others have said here… I have to ask myself what I am expecting? If I am wanting to have a pretty screen with nice graphics or do I just want to be able to easily access the QC? I have to admit I am a sucker for bells and whistles and shiny objects… Like sparkly Telecasters, Strats, and PRSs… but I digress. :wink:

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That makes sense, it might be a NAMM exclusive but it just caught my attention that being such an awaited and long due update they wouldn´t market it more, and let alone neural but not even the attendees and youtubers and stuff post any pictures or demos… so if anyone was at namm and got to try it please update us
I figured they would shot it at namm and announce the launch on the last day or today but the lack of attention to it is just weird, i can´t tell if it´s a month or a decade away


i think we should just expect being able to access the QC screen which is already pretty good, it´s got anything i need at least. I just want to be able to keep it as a footswitch without having to hunch down or pick up the whole thing wired up just to add some gain or whatever


Before something like that can be released to the general public, it always goes through in-house and external beta testing first. In this case we are looking at the editor and QC firmware needed to support the editor. There is no ETA but things are moving along in all directions.

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Everyone loves an intuitive, elegant and aesthetically well-designed UI, but there are also primary concerns with functionality and ease of use. Essentially function over form such as avoiding buried menus wherever possible and exposing as many of the on-device operations as possible for control from within the editor.

We also want the editor code to be as nimble as possible. Placing a priority on the inevitable requirement to keep the editor code and the device’s code in synch. If you implement bloated overly complicated editor code, every firmware/OS enhancement to the device is met with significant rollout delays because the editor code must be updated as well.

A compromise between aesthetics, functional and technical features, and the ability to execute updates in a timely fashion has to be struck. Balancing those requirements from the initial design can save some extremely time-consuming and substantial rewrites down the line. Hoping for a well written editor that provides minimal impediments to future development.


Well said! :sunglasses::guitar::sunglasses: I think you summarized it up really well.

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yeah, this is more of a curiosity thing since theres a ton of namm content but i´ve seen nothing on the qc updates and since the desktop app was announced i figured there´d be more hype and content regarding it


I feel the same way. :sunglasses::guitar::sunglasses:

Do we know if ndsp has planned an ios app like the kemper, to adjust its parameters in live situation? It’s a killer feature for me !