I mean - the in-built gates just cut the noise when one is not playing but I would really like a ISP Decimator G String copy to also put the unit quiet even when playing.
Something more like a “de-noise” instead of a noise gate in a more traditional way. For QC I think this is kind of “mandatory”…
I believe the Adaptive Noisegate does something like this. But without a description of what effects and utilities do and how they do it, we will not know for sure. A short description of stuff like that in the manual is what I am missing the most Im that kind of person that wants to know how things work. Or at least why it is called “adaptive”, what does it do that makes it adaptive? What does it adapt to? What exactly is controlled by this adaption?
I did try the Adaptative Gate but it doesn’t work as the ISP G String - in theory, when I saw the “Adaptative Gate” I thought it would but it cuts signal and sustain too soon from my personal experience.
I owned and used an ISP Decimator G String with my 100W tube amp. They worked great together. I sold both to fund my Quad Cortex.
The G String has two inputs and outputs. The first I/O is for tracking the signal only; intended mostly for plugging your guitar straight in and going out. The second I/O is the noise reduction, which is based off of what the tracking circuit detects.
The request below mimics the function of the Decimator G String. Track guitar on the input, reduce noise elsewhere with a separate block in the chain.
The decimator does filter out noise (hiss) in addition to a ‘simple’ side chained gate. Look up Noise Reduction VS Noise Gating. It combines both functionalities. I think two separate requests are therefore reasonable.
I placed the FX loop (the physical gate) as last block at the end of my signal chain. But I additionally fed an unaltered DI signal to the Key Input of the Zuul by splitting the signal between my wireless receiver and the QC.
Concerning this subject, I e-mailed support to check if they had any ideas how to implement this. Indeed they confirmed that QC does not have a noise supressor like the G String but that they passed the request to the devs, for them to analyze… one can only hope in the near future to have something like this.
Yesterday I had a rehearsal with the QC - yep the hiss is there but, in a live/band situation is not worrying. Of course for studio/recording this is clearly an issue that NDSP should address. I think this feature is a MUST for this tool.
The ISP unit uses what is called a “sidechain” input. This is the reason for the two inputs and outputs.
There is no hiss with the ISP unit because the gate closes at the end of your signal chain after all the gain stages, but it is triggered to open from your uncompressed/un-preamplified guitar input when you still have full dynamic range.
The request would be to see if Neural would add a sidechain input to the gate.
Additionally the Decimator uses Downward Expansion to get rid of noise and hiss in the higher frequencies while the gate is open / a note is sustained and the gate is slowly closing - like I already stated above: it’s not just a hard gate but more a noise gate and noise reduction merged into one pedal (those are two completely different concepts). This request is not just about the side chain (which is targeted in an other thread).
I struggle with the noise gate. Its either too much or not enough or it cuts my notes off when I let them fade out and you get that stutter noise as well. I can turn the gate all the way down and it still cuts off notes. Crazy! I tried the gate after the amp and it worked like I want it to with a nice fade and no chopping notes or stuttering but there is a touch of latency I don’t get with it before the amp. Strange