ISP Decimator connection to QC

So… I really miss a nice noise supressor like the ISP Decimator. I think the Noise Gates on the QC is one of their weakest links, to be honest.

I connect thru XLR (Outs 1/2) directly to FOH, where they feed a stage monitor with these guitar channels.

Is there anyway I could connect the ISP Decimator to the QC, at the end of the chain? I tried at one of FX Loops but didn’t work… any suggestions?

The guitar itself is not the problem the but the medium/high gain capture used is the culprit.

Any suggestions?

Do you have the “normal” ISP Decimator (1 input, 1 output), or the Decimator G String (2 ins, 2 outs)?

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At the moment I have the “normal”, but I’m willing to invest on the G String if needed.

Sorry, just a few more clarifying questions:

  1. What do you mean that it didn’t work?
  2. How are you hooking up the pedal in the FX loop?
  3. Where are you putting the FX loop block in the grid–before or after capture, before or after cab, etc.?
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Thanks for the reply and interest in helping out.

1 - The noise/hiss still there
2 - Pedal IN to FX Loop Send and Pedal OUT to FX Loop Return
3 - After the capture (which is an amp/cab capture, so no separate cab)

I agree. The noise gate is their weakest link.

I’m not sure what to tell you at this point. You can play around with the Send/Return level settings, as well as the pedal’s threshold knob. If you’ve got that much noise and hiss, the Decimator can only do so much as it’s reacting to the noise threshold.

The G String version is a better pedal overall, because you can use the Guitar In/Out to track guitar only (first in chain). From there, you can choose where you want to use the “Dec” In/Out for the actual noise reduction–in the QC’s FX Loop after the capture, for instance.

CorOS 3.0 is coming out any day now, and it will include the ability to sidechain. You could use the sidechain to track your guitar’s signal on the input, and then have it trigger or control a noise gate block later in the grid signal path.

If you think you’re going to swap for an ISP Decimator G String, maybe wait until CorOs 3.0 comes out first and try the sidechain with one of the QC’s noise gates.

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