X plugin and ilok license manager

hello everyone,
to use “X” plugins on quad cortex will i need to install ilok license manager on my windows machine ?

Also in case i want to activate the X plugins also on my daw on pc : once i activated the plugins with ilok license manager, can i uninstall it from pc ?


Yes, you will need the iLok license manager software to activate plug-ins, including the ‘X’ versions.

I don’t know exactly what would happen to your plug-ins if you uninstall iLok, but you might have problems opening the plug-ins if you do.

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Even if the plugin will only be used on quad cortex?
In this case, if I understand correctly, authentication will be online via your neural account…

and the Neural account uses iLok for licensing/activation. You will need iLok if you don’t already have it.