Hi LSR, thanks for the recommendation! I checked the switches - nothing, the 3rd LED was still out. (Weirdly the QC seems fine). I then used 1, 2, 4, and 5 for the QC, and the 3rd port for a 9v Cloudburst pedal. Now all the lights are on!
So, maybe my SOL is defective, but pulling only 9 volts on the 3rd port, and 12 volts on 1, 2, 4, and 5 (seems) to be working.
Again, thanks!
Exactly the same for me.
I had also asked CIOKS and they said that would not be a problem. As long as everything works, the one LED can remain off.
However, the answer did not reassure me 100%, which is why I solved it exactly as you did.
Hi kemparinho, thanks for the update! Ha, yep, even though I can’t see the leds (mounted under a Temple Audio) it made me nervous! By the way, the SOL did seem to be hot running it almost full out. So, from another thread, I remounted the SOL with the rubber feet off so that it would get as much heat transfer as possible (metal-to-metal) with the pedalboard metal.
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Will also keep a eye on the heat. Thanks for the hint.