When corOs 3.2?

Is there anyone who knows when the next corOs 3.2 will be released? Neural is not giving any news or development update since the 28th November.
I’m a bass player and i can’t wait to get Parallax on my Quad Cortex


No one knows. This question has been asked so many times

Unusually quiet from NDSP on any future news developments. Hmmm

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Yeah that’s why i’m asking if i missed something. No updates since 28th November


The last real update was November 11th.

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“Soon…” or “Sooner…” :smiley:

or “Long…” and “Longer…” :mask:

I think i’ve said this before but putting out a roadmap should be the way forward

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The roadmap has been out, it’s just taking a while for the next update.

We all went through this two years ago with the release of CorOS 2.0.


Is there one showing when Morgan, Mesa and ToneKing will be released?

No, stop lol. At this point is just really funny whenever you post asking about those plugins

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for the plugins?
imo if there are hold ups they could make a forum post or news update, I think most people would appreciate it.

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Well since I had not heard anything in weeks nor dug through their website and a roadmap was mentioned about them…sorry I asked.

I hope it will come soon, I want to have all my purchased plugins so badly, like:

  1. Patrucci
  2. Rabea
  3. Nolly
  4. Plini

You know Plini is available on the QC now, right?

They released some information today. Apparently, the next update (Parallax and Nolly) is proving to be tougher than anticipated. They said they hope to get it ironed out soon.

I feel your pain tho. I think that the real reason is Nano Cortex. I hope I am wrong.

I had one of the first batches and ended up selling it because of this type of stuff. I just repurchased another one in Feb. I love it and it’s come a long way since the first units. It is frustrating to see consistent updates - than I buy another QC and BOOM! No updates lol
Oh Well, Fractal hasn’t given me any updates lately either.

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Didn’t know yet, thanks

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Never wanted te nano, I love the display, on the mature QC

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No ETA currently but SOON: