Since I downloaded the updated version of archetype plini a number of months ago now I have been unable to open it in GarageBand. When I attempt to open the plug in I get the following message:
“The PACE Licence Support software required to validate the license for this product is not running. Try restarting your computer. If that doesn’t help, try uninstalling and then reinstalling the PACE license support software”
[quote=“Gonzalo, post:2, topic:3445”]
Does the standalone version work as expected?
Unfortunately, at the moment, GarageBand is not part of the supported DAWs, but you can try the following:
J’ai le même problème. Garange band ne fonctionne pas avec l’archetype plini, à mon grand regret. Ducoup je suis réticent à en acheter d’autres.
J’ai essayé la solution que vous proposez sans succès, de plus aller bricoler dans le code me pose quelques difficultés je ne suis pas assez compétent. J’adore le plugin Plini et je suis frustré de ne pouvoir enregistrer mon jeu sur ce DAW que j’apprécie utiliser également.
J’espére qu’une solution pérenne sera apportée rapidement.
I’ve been unsuccessful having repeated these steps multiple times. I finally have the exact guitar tone I’ve been seeking for many years courtesy of Archetype Plini (love him by the way) - Is Archetype Plini compatible with Logic Pro X??