Some people are going to love it… Why are folks coming across upset and distraught almost that NDSP brought a product out that may not be useful to them… So what get over it
Watching some demo videos…so…phone app…why not for our QC?
Because a lot of us are thinking: Shit Neural, instead of developing the Nano Cortex you could have instead used these resources to finally make the QC the device we all are wishing for…
Just look at the endless list of feature requests… Pretty basic ones on top of it…
Feature requests are really I wants… And ooh fractal can do this ooh the helix can do that… It’s easy to figure out you bought the wrong product for you then…i find the QC easy to use and simple and the fact they brought out a new product has little to do with the QC users maybe it will benefit everyone including the QC users in time… Maybe Bluetooth phone apps things will come to the QC because of this nano… Positive thinking goes alot further than negatives all the time…
They also need to grow as a company and to that they need to have sources of income to help them develop things/features that people would like,
Not mocking other people’s opinions also goes a long way…
Well I’m not mocking I’m just repeating what I’ve read here and there… But in all seriousness what are people expecting it to do, make there coffee in the morning? … oops maybe I should have not said that… There just moaning and groaning… And everyone would have had the chance to return there product for somtin else from the very beginning and they should have done there homework on the product…
It seems logical to me that I check what I’m buying b4 I buy it and if it doesn’t have a feature that I need it to have I wouldn’t buy it… I would buy the product that does have it
Yes, totally. That would be a great way to serve some of us who are on Linux.
Dear musician fellas, (especially who are criticizing the wishful QC users)
Hundreds or perhaps thousands of guitar players sold their gig setup they had been accustomed to in order to pay 1700/1800$ of QC. Why? To have the benefits of the world’s most advertised and powerful floor unit. And they didn’t buy it just to use at home or studio for recording. It should have been a stage performance beast, shouldn’t it?
However (it is way too normal to compare this unit with other brands) while other brands are too much further on many aspects of live performance, QC still sucks unfortunately on many detailes for professional stage musicians.
I guess it should be well respected if musicians around the world who invested their money (maybe all of it) on this unit have decent expectations. And while there are still too many crucial requests on many threads (which should definitely be taken into account by the company), the fact that the company delays those real issues and focuses on plugins and tiny toys to please other new customers does not sound well. It is actually a break point about trusting the company.
I am very pleased with customer support department for their sincere interests about technical issues and repair issues. However, research and development department should definitely listen to the worldwide user much more, I think.
I hope we’ll be heard soon.
Best wishes
Good points and I’m not saying that it shouldn’t do more than it does… But I also think if you sold all your gear to buy this unit, shouldn’t you have done your homework to make sure it does what you need it to do at that time b4 you jumped…
I use mine live all the time and use it in my studio when not on the road… I’ve also seen some big name bands use them live and no backline… So I guess they do work for live work… I use midi now I got it figured it works everything I need it to do… Scenes stomp hybrid looper presets nó issues atal…
I understand we don’t all use it the same way so I can’t say that it does everything…homework homework homework…
They need new customers they need new products eventually it will come together,
Thank you for your advice my friend I have been using QC for about one year on average 3-4 days a week on live stage. I found many workarounds including adding a Chocolate Midi contoller to overcome the problematic hybrid mode. I overcame latency issues and more. I am madly satisfied with my sound. I do my homework a lot and investigating more than a lot.
But all my efforts and their consequences do not change the fact that the unit needs REAL software upgrades. The issues are obvious. And I am waiting for all of them.
I find it works fine the way it is… I so far haven’t found an issue it all seems straight forward… But I’m certainly not arguing with you or telling anyone there wrong… But I also don’t think the moaning and groaning, its not necessary from some folks…
I think if and when it gets where people want it… They will then moan and groan about a new product that NDSP brings out even it’s better or worse than QC or has a feature this has and that doesn’t…
They are still developing as a company give it time…
If you don’t understand what users are criticising about the Quad Cortex and what implementations they are suggesting since years, click here to see a summary of it:
That’s it. Congratulations!!!
Well I guess that was directed at me I do understand what folks are wanting… I’m just saying I’m happy with the way it works now for me… Also moaning and groaning isn’t going to get you what you want… I’ve also been using all in one units since the boss me 10…and maybe I’m used to the you buy the unit and this is what it does…
So for me I’m happy as it is… And if ndsp update it as they go then I’ll be happy aswell… If they don’t but only fix bugs I’m happy aswell…
I will also add I’ve looked at the list you put up I think the clear all on the looper should be there if it’s not…and also if fractal and helix do what you want you should have got either of them…
I think they already have it (QC). Nano is for different segment though it can complement QC in certain use cases.
I’ve been watching and contributing to this forum for close to three years. I’ve seen some of the feature requests added and some, like mine (the implementation of full midi control, among other things) completely ignored. So for me, seeing Neural introduce a NEW product WITHOUT fixing the issues in the QC is a real GUT PUNCH.
I will say though, that it’s BRILLIANT marketing! It helps take the eyes of the disgruntled user-base off of the issues! Again, BRILLIANT marketing Neural!!! Hats off to you!
I’m hoping to have a solution soon for those who want iPad control AND device block on/off tracking. Wish me luck ‘cause it’s becoming VERY clear that Neural is no longer hearing or reading anything in this forum.
I completely agree with this. Some of these feature requests or fixes are very old at this point (eg a usable implementation of bypassing a cab block on a specific output as opposed to what is currently allowed).
I still like the sounds I get from my QC, but I’ll think twice about purchasing anything from them in the future…this is coming from a guy who has a YouTube Channel with quite a bit of QC content.