Signal pass-through on input overload? Or am I hallucinating?

If I play the guitar hard and the input meter goes into the red, it sounds to me like the Quad Cortex passes signal through unprocessed by the blocks. The dominant sound becomes the guitar itself, rather than the amp and cab blocks. This seems to be the same with all the amp blocks.

Am I hallucinating, or is this something inherent to the design?

Try the factory presets etc., it’s doubtful you are hearing the DI unless you have a path for the DI output in your signal grid.

That is an odd one. Out of curiosity, why would you set your input that hot and risk clipping?

Exactly… Input signal definitely does not need to be so hot that you’re clipping.

Standard blocks with default settings. I didn’t set anything “that hot,” I just dropped the blocks in. I could try turning down the input from whatever it is by default.

This is an attempt at building a single preset with three scenes built around three different amp blocks. So there are three rows, each like this: Input 1 → Amp block → Cab Block → Multi Out. And the blocks are mapped to scene A, B or C.

If you have 3 parallel lanes it is likely that your DI signal is coming from lanes with bypassed blocks.
It’d help if we could see the grid and what changes the scenes make

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Wait–elaborate on that. You’re setting up three rows, each with its own amp block and cab, and you intend to switch via scenes A, B, C. But what is it that you’re actually switching?

Dang it @xush, you beat me to the punch.

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I was wondering if that might be the case. It is three parallel lanes.

One of the things I had to get my head around when first working with the QC was that bypassing all blocks on a lane does not mute the lane. It just gives you the plain “DI” signal. Makes a lot of sense when you think about it but it did surprise me at first.

So when I make presets with separate lanes for different sounds, I put a gain block or similar right at the start, then program it to zero when that lane isn’t in use. In theory you could then leave the blocks un-bypassed, as there’s no signal going to them now anyway*, but I like to bypass them too so it’s visually clear which lane is in use.

*: bypassing doesn’t save you any CPU - this also surprised me at first but again, makes some sense.