Scene Mode in 1.3.2

The main strengths of the QC for me is the form factor, the amazing amp sounds that are quickly achieved and the processing power, namely number of amps, cabs etc you have in each Row group. Routing is ok but has a few steps to go to be on par with the competition. E.g. You can only use 7 blocks in Row 1 if you link Rows 1 and 2, mono summing still not available, routing to USB 1/2 locked out to dry signal only, just to name a few issues. Lack of Global parameters to adjust things like EQ, useful when playing through different Speaker systems, rooms etc.

For someone new to this type of tech, it’s mind blowing with amazing possibilities. For more experienced users, there’s a lot to be happy with and a lot to anticipate as inevitable improvements come along. And hopefully, better implementation as the developers get more experience with the QC CorOS.

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For sure. I definitely agree on the Global EQ, would be nice to have quick recall for all your common setups that could be applied to each preset on the fly. Can’t wait to see what this thing brings in 2022 :+1:t3:

There is! Assume you add an fx block to your preset you only want to be active in one scene. In thus case you add it and then bypass it globally. After that you go to the scene and assign the bypass of the block to that scene.

So in general, when adding a block you can set it globally to what most scenes will use.


Fair call.

So I guess the double tap is not meant to work for scenes. Seems like a pointless feature if all it simplifies is bypassing a block globally.

I guess I just don’t get it.

If you assigned the bypass of the block to scene mode (by long pressing the bypass button in the edit window of the block) the double tap works per scene.

Ok got it. I gotta go the long way for the short way to work. Check

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As stated in your other post, place a gain block ‘anywhere’ in your signal chain and assign to your EP - Done

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@Eduardo Please keep the discussion relevant to the thread topic.

Yes . Everything saves globally. Is there way to not have this happen?