Quad Cortex will not boot

Just an update if anyone is interested.
I received this reply from customer support:

Hi Justin,

Thanks for the video and update. Nothing unusual from the report but i’ve forwarded you case also to the developers.

We’ve now had several instances of this issue reported and the developers are treating it as high priority. The cause is as yet unknown but it’s highly likely its an issue in the software, so any fix will hopefully be addressed in the next or future update.

Let me know if the issue continues, gets worse, or makes the unit unusable. Also if you have any questions or further issues please let us know as soon as possible.

Best Regards

Best regards,
Neural DSP Support Team

When I replied so your solution is, let us know if it gets worse? The response was:

HI Justin,

I wouldn’t paraphrase it like that. I said the developers are treating it as high priority. The cause is as yet unknown. Solutions are difficult to advise for as yet unknown root causes but we are on the case.

Thanks for your patience

Best regards,
Neural DSP Support Team

Pretty disappointed in Neural at this point… the product I purchased is faulting and no solution…