Quad Cortex Player?

What do guys think?
Will NDsp ever release a smaller stripped down version of the QC?

Like Kemper did?

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Probably sometime in the next 5 years or so. They bit off WAY more than they could chew with the QC and it’s just now starting to make good on promises from since pre-launch. But they do good work, so I could definitely see that happening, especially as more early adopters like myself who gave up on it and have returned start coming into the mix and their market share increases. But I think the fact that they aren’t actively involved in the player community bespeaks their interest in what we want/think, and I think that’s because they’re still so busy catching up with the QC. I think as things start to cool off for them, they’ll start to get more involved in these and other forums and will gauge the market’s desire for something like that. We’ll see!


I guess this will happen much, much sooner.