Quad Cortex + M Vave Chocolate

How to control the Quad cortex with the m-vave chocolate in scene mode? :brazil:

Good question. I can not seem to get mine to work at all. All help or advice would be appreciated :pray:

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I use the QC in stomp mode and assigned 4 scenes to M-vave chocolate. Therefore I have 12 switches to use on stage.

You first need to download the CubeSuit app to your mobile and tie your M-vave to your mobile via bluetooth. Then open the app and go to “advanced custom mode”. You will see 4 blocks like “Foot Switch A” and B, C and D.

If you want to assign the Scene A to the 1st footswitch of m-vave you need to press “Foot switch [A]” then type “CC#43 0” then it will control the Scene A. (43 means scenes, and 0 means the first scene. It starts with zero, so goes like 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

I’m currently using 4 scenes as E, F, G and H. So I typed below data to each 4 one in the app.

CC#43 4
CC#43 5
CC#43 6
CC#43 7

I hope I could make it clear. If not I can try with screenshots or videos etc. Just let me know.

BTW, m-vave chocolate doesn’t let you use the F and G options by pressing 2 switches at once. But there is a new one called “chocolate plus”. I heard that you can use them either, so that way you can use 6 scenes instead of 4. I’m planning to buy and try the plus version.

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I don’t use stomp mode

It doesn’t matter. You can use QC in scene mode, instructions are same as I have written.

ok, i’ll try

So if I add two chocolates I control the eight

Great question. I would like to know how to set it up if its possible.

You can setup short press and long press for button ABCD. So you can have 8 senses from chocolate. It s all on the app, you just need play it on app.

I think 2 chocolates will not work as eventually you need to plug one to midi port of QC (with wire or wireless). Options might be like ;

  1. Using short and long presses to expand possibilities with normal chocolate
  2. Using group switches to use F and G with chocolate plus
  3. Using another brand with more switches (e.g. morning star). There are many brands available in the market.

I didn’t know about this first function, here in Brazil there is no video explaining it.
I will try to find this configuration. Thanks

Since you can’t configure the MWAVE to use stomps + scenes mode, I can think of a way to use the MWAVE, but I don’t know if it will work:
1.- Configure the QC in Mixed mode (4 scenes (ABCD) and 4 stomps).
2.- Configure the MWAVE with the 4 missing scenes (EFGH).

Do you think it will work?

This will definetely work. I use the M-vave to control scenes EFGH already. This is my habit left from the days that I used to use it in hybrid mode, top 4 stomps bottom 4 scenes. Now using the QC all in stomp mode, but your prediction is correct.

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Do u have tried to configure the Chocolate to change between Stomp & Scene modes?
I know that should be
CC#47 2 for Stomp
CC#47 1 for Scene
but i can’t figure to made it to work!

Sorry but I don’t have any idea about mode changes. I wanted to change scenes and nice people on forum helped me out how to figure out, that’s only thing I know about that midi stuff :slight_smile: I was totally ignorant about that.

Keep asking, here and also use Facebook group. I’m sure someone will help through.

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Hi all, just as I was about to return the Chocolate Mwave, I decided to give it one more shot, and Low and Behold, I was able to get
A, B C, D E F to ALL WORK on Chocolate m-wave with quad cortex , with presets and you can switch banks.
I will experiment with switching scenes and presets tonight. I believe that it does not end at E and F. Meaning, I pressed the 2 buttons multiple times and noticed it kept changing banks
I’ll keep you updated, and hopefully am able to make a video about it this weekend.

I don’t believe the MWave plus is needed…