Nano cortex + m-vave chocolate

I just bought the m-vave chocolate to use with the nano cortex, it works very well, but you can’t select more than 32 captures. The problem is that the last captures I have taken, with the NC, of ​​the 33-57 are the best since you are gaining experience and you know which ones to get off the cloud and which ones not to. I can’t assign them a switch with the chocolate, since it only goes up to 8d. Does anyone know how I could do it? Or can the nano cortex presets be changed in order? Until now I have not achieved it.
Thank you.

The chocolate has 8 banks with 4 buttons each, so I can only assign one switch for the first 32 presets of the NC. Does anyone have the solution to be able to load the remaining 32?
Thank you.

Hello friend, how are you? I’m having the same problem with the M-wave Chocolate. I don’t understand why we can’t organize the presets in the order we want. It forces you to erase everything from the factory and build everything from scratch. Very bad on Neural’s part, let’s hope they correct that in future updates. Is there any way to make this problem known to the brand itself?