Hello there! I ran into an odd issue last night that I was hoping to diagnose. Most shows the band I play in there is absolutely no issue, but I’ve noticed that in certain venues where stage volume is crazy loud (say a festival or something) that my wah pedal will begin to turn on mid song, almost like the vibrations from the stage are rattling my pedal like 1-2% out of heel. Is there a way to make it so the wah pedal stays in bypass until you reach say ~ 10% of the pedal out of heel? I’m not really sure how else I could do it unless maybe I use a bypass all together from a committed button? It’s really hard when I set the expression pedal to a whammy effect and I start to sound a few cents out of tune. Really hard to deal with mid performance. I basically just deleted the wah from my chain until I needed it for the few songs.
Current setup:
QC > Midi out into Morningstar MC8 > Lehle expression pedal for wah. I used to have the SP-1 and same issue. But I really like this Lehle
Wah setup:
Bad Horse
Both Wah and Bypass are assigned to Expression 1
- Bypass is set on Switch-On Heel-Toe
- Lehle is tightened as much as it can be
Second pedal = Volume which is assigned to Expression 2
Update: I believe I was able to figure out a workaround using the MC8 midi controller. I was able to calibrate the ‘heel’ 0% to be a little higher than completely toughing the floor. This way, the MC8 doesn’t recognize the expression pedal moves until it reaches (from 1-1000) like 190.