Is Wah pedal calibration possible

I have repurposed a few Crybaby Wah enclosures as expression pedals a number of years ago, and now getting around to using them with my QC. The problem I am having with them and the QC is that I am not getting a full throw. I see there are Min & Max adjustments, but it only goes from 0-70% no matter how I set these controls. Basically the potentiometer inside does not make a full turn, and only goes so far.

When I was using the “other guys”, I was able to dial in the min and max of the pedal I was using, getting a full 100% from heel to toe. Is there a setting I am missing or should this be a feature request to “narrow” the heel/toe resistance of the pedal?

Try recalibrating (and saving) the expression pedal in the swipe-down I/O page if you haven’t already. Otherwise it could be a cabling (use TRS) or expression pedal incompatibility issue. You can get to the calibration setting on the I/O page by tapping the EXP 1 or EXP 2 icons.


This :arrow_up:

It’s amazing what happens when you RTFM.

Many thanks.

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