QC Looper X questions ('hidden' MIDI message for Looper UI)

Hi all

I have a couple of questions about the QC Looper X.

  1. In the MIDI table there is a CC to toggle the Looper UI on and off. As with any toggle on/off command this can actually be quite annoying, as what can easily happen is if the Looper UI is opened from the Grid, while tweaking something, and then I use my MIDI pedal to select the Looper, it will actually close the Looper, meaning that the toggling is always out of sync; the only way to prevent this is to go back to Scene / Stomp / Preset Mode and then select the Looper again via the MIDI pedal.

What would be much more useful is for there to be separate MIDI commands for Looper UI Open and Looper UI Close. Then I can very specifically programme the MIDI pedal for exactly what I want.

In the user manual the MIDI table says that CC 48, Value 64-127 will open and close the looper UI.

By complete chance, I actually discovered that there IS a separate command to CLOSE the looper UI, which is to send CC48 Value 0. This will NOT toggle, it will only close the UI when it’s open, and this is NOT written in the user manual. I’ve tried some other Values to see if there is a message for UI Open, however no luck so far. Has anyone had any success with this?

  1. My second question, is there a way to clear a loop? I know you can stop and re-record but I recently found myself confused and embarrassed when I was trying to do that, using an external MIDI pedal set while I’m recording to immediately ‘Undo and Redo’. This is a useful work around for when I want to record a chorus while actually playing it live, to save for a loop that I will later solo over. It allows you to stop recording without playing back. Unfortunately however somehow as I hit the Redo function, it played the previously recorded loop from a previous song, which was not at all what I wanted!
    It would be really useful to be able to clear all the loops properly in that case, before recording another one, has anyone found a way of doing that?

Some more info on this; Neural support replied to an email to them saying that actually there is a function to open and close the looper UI separately - turns out I was using an out of date user manual and the newer version has an updated MIDI table. My bad…

BUT… turns out that something is still quite wrong;

The user manual now says this;

This would be perfect for my use, as I what I really want is a message to open and a different message to close the Looper UI.
HOWEVER, on my QC, which is running the latest firmware, if I send the CC # 48, Value 127, it TOGGLES between open and closed (which is how you can get confused if the UI is already open, because when you then press the switch on your Midi pedal that is assigned to OPEN the looper, it actually closes it.

Also, on my QC, CC # 48 with Value 0 actually CLOSES the Looper U/I as a single command, and it will not open it as the user manual says!

Is anyone else having the same issues? I don’t know if it’s the MIDI table, my QC (or even my MIDI pedal, although I use that with other devices with no issues…) so it would be helpful to know how it works for other users…

(ps, I also have an issue with the MIDI command to select Scene/Stomp/Preset mode. The manual says this;

However I have found that these don’t work, and in fact I need to send;

CC 47 Value 0 to select the Scene page
CC 47 Value 1 to select the Stomp page
CC 47 Value 2 to select the Preset page

Has anyone else found that the MIDI messages in the manual are incorrect?

Thanks everyone

I’ll try to check it out later today.
I’ve found the manual tends to have a few typos and omissions. I’ve submitted a few for correction but they never get changed

Thanks xush, I look forward to hearing whether it’s the manual that’s incorrect or my QC that’s buggy!

I’m using the midi loop hack here, not sure if that’ll make a difference, but the Mode Toggle CC47 works for me as described in the manual.
Looper seems to work too; CC#48, min val 0, max val 127 toggles back and forth w/ my XP2 toeswitch just fine. If I assign it to Switch D on the QC though- it doesn’t toggle, it only opens.

How are you sending these commands? On Preset Load, Footswitch or EXP midi?


Thanks for that; the CC 47 works for me too, but the Value numbers don’t tie in with the manual, as per the following;

I’m using an external MIDI controller, an XSonic Airstep…

Interesting about the Looper UI; I’m using the Airstep for this too. When I send MIDI 48 / 127 the UI opens AND closes on each press. According to the manual this shouldn’t happen, it should only close with a value of 127.

It should OPEN (only, not toggle) with a value of 0. And yet for me it doesn’t open with that value, it will only close.

Confused yet?? :roll_eyes:

Ok, so I have a reply from Neural support; it’s all to do with the order of your Modes in the Mode Configuration settings! So not a glitch on my QC at all.

It’s poorly written in the manual though, and the manual is technically incorrect; Value 0 doesn’t in fact load Preset Mode, it loads whichever modes is placed first in line, when you configure the loads. For me this happens to be Scene Mode, which is why Value 0 for me selects Scenes, but not for you. :roll_eyes:

There does seem to be a disparity between the MIDI commands in the manual for Looper UI open and close, so I’m hoping to have an answer for this soon