Looper and midi drum pedal issues

Have connected a BeatBuddy drum pedal to the quad cortex - using the beatbuddy as the midi clock - so midi out from the pedal and midi in on the QC.

Previously, if I used the looper, I could hit record, and the QC looper would wait for me to play something before it started recording. However, with the drum pedal connected (via midi only - so no sound going through he QC) and the drums playing (so I can get into the timing etc), as soon s I press looper record, the looper starts immediately- it does not wait for me to play. I presume this is something to do with the midi clocks and the pedal being the midi clock source.
How do I resolve this? What have I got set wrong?

Anyone with any experience here?

Many thanks.

I haven’t used a Beat Buddy with the QC but two things I might check are the ‘Threshold’ setting under tab 1 under the ‘Looper X’ parameters and also the ‘Midi Clock Start’ setting under tab 3.

The ‘Midi Clock Start’ setting will override the ‘Threshold’ setting if it is turned on, such that the looper takes its cue from the MIDI clock start.

The ‘Threshold’ setting as you may be aware, will determine how loud the input signal on the QC needs to be before the looper is triggered to record. Can help to cut down on premature triggering with, for example, a noisy set of pickups or mild string noise as you prep for a guitar passage.

also check your routing settings on the looper, if the audio of the drums is on the same line on the same grid as the looper it will naturally trigger recording, you can specify which audio gets sent to the looper, irrespective of where you place it on the grid.

Good general advice but the OP says he doesn’t have any audio going from the Beat Buddy to the QC, only MIDI.

I don’t have a beat buddy either, but it looks like an audio output to me with midi for sync.

Thanks everyone.
For clarity, it is only the midi from the looper going in to the QC.
So the key point may be from Honest opinion in that the mid clock is overriding the looper start.
This is problematic as I want the drum pedal to set the timing, so I can start the drums and can get into the feel of the piece before I hit record on the looper Anyone know a way round this, otherwise it would seem that I have to hit the drum pedal start and the looper record at the same time!!! (That is not going to be easy :-D)

What behavior would you like to see? Assuming you want to set the QC to the Beat Buddy’s MIDI clock, kick off the beat on the Beat Buddy, but only want the looper record function to start when you start playing. Is this correct?

Try this test. If you don’t wish for the Beat Buddy clock to trigger the looper record function, then turn ‘MIDI Clock Start’ = ‘Off’. This parameter, as mentioned, is under tab 3 in the looper parameters. Also set the 'Threshold setting under tab 1 to ‘Off’. By setting the ‘Threshold’ = ‘Off’, the record function should now only fire it you explicitly hit the record button.

Turn on the Beat Buddy. If the looper record function is still turning on immediately, you may have found a bug where the looper’s ‘MIDI Clock Start’ = ‘Off’ setting is not being honored.

If the record function is NOT starting after the above test, then my assumption would be that I just needed to turn the threshold up high enough such that the record function is not starting until I play a phrase.

Btw, how are you monitoring the Beat Buddy? Any chance it is loud enough to vibrate your strings and activate the threshold on the looper?

Also, @RexRemus is one of the resident MIDI experts on the forum. Wonder if he could weigh in here.


But I need the QC to sync to the drums too.


Thanks for dropping in JeffR!

The team are looking into a fix for this!

1 Like

Nice one.

Great bit of kit. Absolutely love it.


Jeff Roberts
VERCO Office Furniture

DNA desking - winner of the FX Design Award 2011

m 07767756240
e jeffroberts@verco.co.uk

Hi. Is ther any update on this issue? Thank you.

Hey Jeff!

It is being looked into currently by our QA team!


OK. No worries. Thank you.

Hey. 6 months on, and wondering if there was any progress on this issue?
Thank you.