Clear up Looper X

Hello QC team

All my loopers before (Boss, TC, …) could be cleared up by holding the stop-button down for seconds,
I did not find a solution on the QC.

will we get one soon?

I need it in live performance.

Thanks Olaf


so far, you just have to start recording a new loop, that deletes (clears) the old one.

Hey xush

have to check, would never have tried.
OK: My German mind >>> clear up first before next use :rofl:




Hi Xush, I have not used the looper much at all, but I was wondering why with all of the time it can record that there is no way to save multiple loops. Is that something that they may be changing? It just seems like it is not all that useful for anyone that is doing live performances. Couldn’t it be as easy as having multiple installations of the looper and the loops being names like loop 1, loop 2, etc… or even the capacity to custom name them. If there is still space it would seem like a good way to use it to its fullest. I think, therefore I cause trouble. :wink:


I only use it for tweaking tones, not for performance- pretty much bcz of the reasons you describe.

It was originally announced there would be 2 loopers, a ‘simple’ and a ‘superlooper.’ Not really sure which version this fulfilled, or if that idea was abandoned. It does give me hope that another version could include multiple loops or more performance-friendly features. Some have used the midi-hack (connecting QC midi IN to OUT with one cable) to program more usability for the Looper, but otherwise we just kind of have to wait and see. There definitely seems to be plenty of room on the memory card to have multiple loops or to store/save loops (that’s what I’d like).

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As I come from the Boss RC300 and now RC 500, I know the possibilities I need, and that is only two tracks. So this option is the one I have on the QC, and that is perfect for me.

I think it would have been more usefull for Looper-Fans, if the QC would follow the common structure of the stand-alone stompboxes.

At least this small topic with the “delete all” function by holdig down “stop” for seconds - that is standard - shows, that reenvention of existing tools might be interesting, but mostly confusing.

I checked it, and it works. I like the standard better.

On the other hand a solution of more tracks working parallel as you asked for migt have a very different apperance. So hope you get what you need.

Thanks for the hint.



I’ve posted about this and made a feature request so please vote here!


Hello again

After some trials with the QC-Looper I can say, that the clearing button is missing.

If you start recording over the existing loop, and you press undo, the not wanted old loop will be played: horror!

So why not work like all other Loopers do: press and hold „stop“ and the loops are deleted.

Wold help more than reverse and half speed ( I never used, never heard these functions been by musicians)



it could definitely use some reworking, function-wise. There are several good feature requests asking for improvements.

I have used the Looper w/ 1/2 speed and reverse to good effect with rhythm tracks- you can create a pseudo-metronome or ‘drum track’ for playing along to. I’ve done it by tapping in a rhythm on an electric kalimba and then slowing it and flipping it- it’s perfect for ambient-type playing. If you used a mic, you could loop just about anything lying around the studio (I’ll be trying that next)

Yes, the Looper effects are usefull for certain situations. Having them on the top row of the 8 footswiches might be nice, but below directly in reach you need record, play, stop, overdub, undo/redoo, and clear the tracs, and the up and down button should change Tracs, an there should be more than 2 , and recordtime more than 10 min.

Just a normal looper. Add. With metronome!

I want to use it live not at home. And stil the QC ist to uncomfortable compared to the RC500 that wanted to replace.

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That solution wouldn’t clear up the length of the previous loop.

In real life:
I’m in a live show and recording a 8 bars progression to improvise on top and I do a mistake so that I want to re-record my loop, the new loop will be the exact length of the previous wrong one, making impossible to loop at perfect tempo the 8 bars.
This means that without a CLEAR ALL button (typically holding the STOP button) the looper is USELESS in a live performance.
I’m a new user and please tell me that there’s something that I didn’t understand and at Neural they didn’t build a looper without the clearing function.

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Bill Frisell uses half time (records in half time then speeds it up) and revere in practically every song he plays. He’s a huge exception to the rule though, and he doesn’t use his looper (line 6 DL4) in a traditional way anyway.

It’s rare that I’ve used the looper and I have found it a pain to clear. Especially live. I usually have to load another preset and then go back to the one I was using .

There really need to be a clear everything.

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Not sure if it was always this way, but you can use ‘Undo’.

Press record → play instrument → press play → press undo → loop cleared.
(Pressing undo again brings it back).

You can even press undo while recording to abort immideately.

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That solution wouldn’t clear up the length of the previous loop making the new loop almost impossible to use because you can’t anymore choose the lenght

Before owning the QC, I gigged with the Strymon Iridium and the TC Ditto 4X. I used both its reverse and half time function, so I was happy to see the QC looper implemented these options. I play solo with guitar, synths, piano and some beats running in the background via Ableton and have many moments on which I lack the necessary amount of hands/feet to trigger every setting myself, so I send out midi data from Ableton. Gigging was always stressful because both the Iridium and the Ditto 4x had a lot of glitches, resulting in sudden interruption of receiving midi data, which meant presets not changing, midi clock not syncing anymore, loops drifting out of sync,… That said, the Ditto 4x had full midi implementation and holding the stop button (and erasing the loop) had its own midi cc message. The reason I need this is one song where a loop has to end en immediately after has to start looping my new bit. I don’t have the right amount of feet there to change some pedals and do this looping myself. I have tried every way with midi cc messages and can’t get the QC to do that. It’s like it stores loops in a cache and even when looping time is restored to full length, it keeps bringing up previous loops.
I’ve sent Neural a mail to address this and ask for an erase function in the coming update. Those of you with the same issue, I would warmly recommend doing the same. I love the QC, it’s my best purchase of late by far, but without this, gigging is impossible for me.

But I’ll often stack loop on top of loop to create weird soundscapes. Undo only goes back one loop.

Totally agree, there’s a lot that can be done to improve the Looper X (not least the ability to permanently save and recall loops or wave files onboard the QC)

I searched and didn’t see this before just posting a feature request. This makes total sense to me … definitely a major upgrade that I think is very simple to fix with an update :slight_smile: