QC and Fcb1010 banks up and down

 Just trying to figure this out

Hello anyone and everyone… Have got Fcb1010 working everything I think I will use as in… tuner on/off tap tempo working presets stomp scene/ the 2 exp pedals working. A to h = 1-8 works if in stomp mode to turn pedals on/off or in if preset scene mode… But the only thing I can’t get no matter how I do it is moving past 8 presets as in banks in my presets or any banks in factory either… So how do you get from bank 1 to bank 2/3/4/etc and further up and then back down … I assume bank msb or lsb is them but what does msb and lsb mean… Anyway have tried putting info on editor nothing happens… Any help is greatly appreciated…

Can you move incrementally through banks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and so on back down…
I also have put this up on the discord page but figured mite aswell put it here…

I’m using an editor to do this… I’ll attach a pic off what I’ve got done it’s just the banks on my own presets I can’t figure out how to get midi working everything seems to be working like a charm thanx for any insight :+1:t2:

I have the same controller and am having trouble setting it up. Did you find a solution yet? Also, are you using the mountain utilities program? If so, Ima copy values from yours.

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Hello yes using mountain utilities… Don’t copy that one there mite a mistake here and there… But I will put up a new one for you if you would like… But ye it’s strange somethings are working fine… I tried adding as many presets to it and I can scroll up as far as whatever is free on the graph… But it’s like either the QC or the beri gets lost it’s odd but if 8 presets is enough for… Tuner tap tempo and scenes plus stomp scenes and preset switching… I’ll put it up and you can copy just let me confirm it’s all working

I wish somone could advise me on how to get banks working…

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Ok, but yeah if you wouldn’t mind post one that works and I can use it as a starting template.

No problem your welcome :grin:

That is what is working for me… if your in preset mode the switches work A-H presets if in stomp mode A-H works stomps on/off when you set them to a switch… And when in scene mode A-H works scenes so 8 presets 8 scenes within each preset… Also if in preset mode and you stay on 2.1 of the fcb1010 you can change scenes aswell… Tuner is on/off same pedal… And tap tempo is working aswell…

Exp 1 and 2 are working so whatever way you wanna use them should be fine for wahs volume more gain etc when you assign them… I can get the fcb1010 to go upto 8 banks but it gets stuck in limbo and can’t get back to the start unless I use pc messages but when you do, you loose the use of stomp mode and scene mode when using pc messages, so this setup now seems the most logical until I figure it out or somone else can chime in… I’m not very versed in midi barn very basics… Hope it helps someone…

And if anyone else sees this and can add to what I’ve got that would be great…

Mountain utilities Fcb1010 manager is what I’ve used here

My man! Thank you very much, as soon as I get time I will give it a go.

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Sound hope it helps… It’s working perfect for me anyway… Will update if figure any add ons… Let me know how you get on… Thanx

So, Im still unable to get a wah to work (everything else seems to be great). I assign the wah to expression pedal but it never engages…what am I missing? Any help would be much appreciated.

Hello ModusPonens… This has happened to me on the very odd occasion and I cannot tell you why…make sure you’ve enabled exp A and B in the manager when you adding them… And if you have done so then it should be OK. But I found when I removed the wah block saved the preset and then added the wah block back again it seems to work… Also just make sure it’s all OK in the fcb manager… As in the numbers are correct

Also when you get it to work also turn on the bypass, cause when it’s in the heel down position the wah will turn off automatically after so many milliseconds…

And if it’s still not working… Try a manual reset on the FCB1010 and reprogramme it again… I still plan to try and get more out of the FCB I will post it here if I get any further with it… And likewise if you manage to get more out of it it would be appreciated to post anything here too… If you need any more help give me a shout