Problem when loading a downloaded preset after latest update

When i download presets from the cloud and try to load onto my QC this is what screen looks like

Hi, you’re loading a capture not an entire preset. A capture is a block, so QC shows that screen to let you choose where to place it.

That’s normal behaviour so its OK.

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Thanks for the reply.
No, I’m getting in the cloud and i choose a preset to download. If i choose then to load it into a blank preset it should load the whole chain with all the effects. Or?

Check your screenshot - you’re on the “Neural Captures” section:

“Neural Captures” are captured DEVICES not PRESETS.

You should go to the “Presets” section - > Downloads. When you download a PRESET on the Cloud it also downloads any CAPTURES (devices) associated with it.

To load the ENTIRE Preset, you should go to “PRESETS” → “DOWNLOADS”.


Thank you so much, i will give it a try when i get home and thank you again :slightly_smiling_face:

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No worries, glad to help! Let me know if you’ve managed to load the presets :wink:

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Just tried. Awsome. Didn’t scroll up to see the presets download
Thanks again