Post your talent!

I use Neural DSP Plugins 90% of the time for recording and same goes when I am at my computer and just wanna jam, I use the Standalone versions. Under few seconds I have the NDSP Plugin of my choise up and running.

Just like Neural DSP Stuff, I like things to be clean and simple and that’s why I just upgraded my workspace to meet that standard.

Hi everyone,

My name is Manavuuu Sakamoto.
I live in Tokyo Japan as composer and guitarist.

Here is my original song playthroug video
Song called “Anaheim ft. Ash Soan”.
This song features amazing drummer Ash Soan.

I recorded this song when I used Neural DSP Archetype Abasi plugin
almost clean tone.
That sounds naturally and dreamy It’s my favorite!
Check it out!

more videos

And I play my original 8strings instrument in this video that called “Synerv” made by
REV guitars in Japan.
This inst is between guitar and bass.

If you watch and interested to the video,
feel free send me comments or text!

Thank you!

Hey everyone! This is my first single, Three Minutes To Tranquility! It’s also out on Spotify and Apple Music!

I used Archetype: Nolly and Archetype: Gojira for all my guitar tones and for some bass as well. Please check it out, drop in a like and comment, and subscribe! I would love to hear what you guys think! Also, do give the description a read to get an idea about the context of the song!

Here’s something I did yesterday. About 4 or 5 months ago, I put together a trailer video for our company’s software release. …then… it occurred to me that I could do the music without hunting through file after file of music to find the right one and pay for it. …and never really happy with the feel of it. I wanted it to feel like “inevitability”. So… I did this. …and there’s no one to tell me “no”. hahaha.

Of course, both guitars and bass were done with the Quad Cortex.