NOOB: MIDI Control - QC + H90


I have an Eventide H90 in effects loop 1 of the QC. I have set the H90 to MIDI channel 2. I want to be able to send a PC to the H90 when I select a specific patch on the QC.

I’ve set the ‘preset MIDI out’ to be send PC #100 to the H90 when patch 2A is selected, but the H90 doesn;t seem to hear the QC.

I could do this really easily with a Line 6 Helix Stomp + H9, it just seems really hard with the QC and H90.

Open to suggestions!

Have you turned off Midi Thru?

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On the QC? Yes.

OK, I have fixed it. the QC is doing what it’s supposed to.

The issue was the H90: I was sending incorrect PCs based on what the manual was telling me. I tried different PCs and it worked instantly - so now the task I have is finding the H90 PC map, and/or understanding how it maps PCs to user lists.

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You can only select presets from the currently selected user list on the H90, meaning you need to physically organise your presets in a single user list, ie USER LIST 2, then your PC# to send will be the same as what it is on the H90 (depending on what offset you have set - some units use 0-127, some use 1-128). Inotherwords, if you send PC#4 from the QC it should select preset #4 on the H90 - in the current selected user list.

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