Midi CC sent only once on Ableton Live Lite

Hey, I’m trying to use Plini on stage, on Ableton Live Lite with a foot controller (FCB1010).
First I’ve tried to use the “Configure” option on Live, but it can’t seem to be able to toggle effects with the same CC/same value.
So I’ve just created a midi track and routed the midi messages to the audio track, as suggested in on of the topics on this forum. It works, but I’m now having an issue, the midi CC (as well as PC I think), seem to be sent only once. Like, for example I have one pedal per amp, first time I press one, it changes the amp, then if later I want to switch again to this amp, nothing happens ever again.
If I add another VST instance on the same track though, same thing, it works once, then nothing.
Do you have an idea?
Thank you!

I had the same issue and I understood why recently.
If you send a MIDI CC with value of 127, Ableton and Neural DSP plugin understand that the switch has been pressed. However, nothing indicates to Ableton and Neural DSP plugin that the switch has been released. Therefore, if you send another MIDI CC with the same value, Ableton and Neural DSP plugin understand that it is associated still with the first time the switch was pressed.
The solution is to configure you MIDI controller (I have a Morningstar MC8 personnally) to send two MIDI CC when you press a switch: first, a MIDI CC with a value of 0 (releasing the switch from Ableton and Neural DSP plugin point of view) followed by a MICI CC with a value of 127. This solved the issue for me.