Looking to replace stock Power Supply with iFi iPower Elite - 12v

Hey all, I’ve been using the Quad Cortex in a live rig for about two years now. It’s awesome. Currently I’m running the stock power supply through a Furman Power Conditioner, but I’m wondering if it would make a difference to throw the iPower Elite into the mix. The reason I’d like this over say, a CIOKs DC7 is because I have my quad cortex in a rack behind me. All my pedals are midi controlled.

Output Voltage 12V
Output Amps: 4A


Yes? No? Waste of money?

Hi, electrical engineer here. 12V 4A will work just fine for powering the Quad Cortex (4A is overkill but the QC will only pull as much current as it needs). Just make sure that it’s center-pin-negative with a 2.1mm plug.

$300 price tag is steep. There’s a lot of “engineered marketing” language on that product–I snorted when reading “oversized power MOSFET”–but it’s unlikely that you would be able to tell a difference in sound quality from your QC.

Here’s an example of a power supply that’s similar to what I’m using. 12V 5A (again, overkill but won’t hurt the QC), 2.1mm plug, and only $19.

…HOWEVER. That power supply is center-pin-positive. You would need a reverse polarity adapter to use with it:

I’ve been powering my QC this way the entire time I’ve had it. I’ve never had noise or power issues. You could save yourself a lot of money AND have a few power supplies + cables as backups.

Are you having any noise issues? If not, then I’d say it is a waste of money.

Appreciate the detailed response. I totally agree it’s great to have more replacement power supplies!

No noise issues. Sometimes we go into venues with spotty power though. I’d like to do as much as I can to prevent any potentials.

I picked up one on the closeout shelf at Wal-Mart $14 that is multivolt from like 9 -24 and supplies 5A at 12V. Much heavier cord than the stock so if I were still gigging I would use it instead but I got it as a spare for lots of pedals. Already had several polarity adapters in the bag. I’ve never had any noise problems from the power supply.

I’ve been thinking about going down the battery route with the QC. The main reason is to be able to use it when playing in places with no power supply, but as someone who has trouble with electrical interference even at home (crappy old electrics, the house need re-wiring!) as I understand it one major advantage of a battery pack is that you eliminate the electrical noise.
Apparently this is even true if you plug the battery charger in to the mains while using the QC, as the Krisdonia units allow pass-through charging, so you are actually powering from the battery while the battery is charging…