Well they did add midi clock out in the last update, which was one of the two missing midi features I’ve been waiting for. The other, of course, being the ability to send multiple midi messages on scene change. Once they do that, the QC will do everything I need for my own use cases, midi-wise.
Paint Audio 10 button small footprint programmable MIDI footswitch has been great for me.
You can program each button for up to 12 MIDI commands, press or release.
I recently switched from the Nektar Pacer I described above to the Paint Audio Midi Captain and it is doing everyhing I did with the Pacer and is quite easy to program. It does not have the footswitches the Pacer has but it does have Midi IN which I hope any QC Midi up grades will include on that side too. The MC is smaller which I like although if I were still gigging I might still use the Pacer for that and leave the MC in the studio.
I think you are talking the new smaller switches here and I am considering one of the two button ones to be my View Mode/Tuner switching although the new Super Mode which has not made it to the MC yet might make that unneccsary and will open lots of new stuff it will do!
I’ve got the 10 button one and I use 1-4 and 6-8 to first set QC to scene mode, change to the correct scene number, then set the QC to Stomp Mode so I can use 8 scenes and 8 stomps.
Since the button force it back to Stomp Mode it dodges an accident.
Button 5 top right is going to be Tap Tempo, and Button 5 (bottom right) simply sets the QC to Preset Mode. That gives me an 8 preset menu and then once chosen, I can stomp the scene 1 button and it goes back to stomp mode. Massive amounts of individual controls!!!