Is it still safe to pull the power cable from QC to turn it off?

Previous versions of the QC manual said “To turn Quad Cortex off, press the capacitive power button and select You can also remove the power cable from the back of Quad Cortex.”

In December of 2023, moderator MP_Mod also confirmed this in this thread.

Now the current version (3.0.0) of the QC manual has a warning:
“Ensure you power off the Quad Cortex via the Power & Locking functions screen.
It is not recommended to remove the power cable from the Quad Cortex to power it off.”

Can someone verify what has changed with CorOS 3.0 and why it’s supposedly no longer safe to pull the plug?


Good catch. This better be a mistake.

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Just came to post the same thing. I think I’ve used the power button to turn it off maybe twice in the last (nearly) two years, but never had any issues at all.

I’m assuming there might be the potential for soemthing to go weird if the unit is in the middle of doing something like downloading patches/updates or loading/storing data?

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I’ve only ever pulled the power cable from the unit when it has acted weird and I wasn’t able to shut it down properly/restart it otherwise. I figured since it specifically has options for “shutdown, restart”, etc that you should treat it like you would a computer.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they realized pulling the power cable like that wasn’t great for the unit or was causing issues software wise for people to send it back for repair. But who knows….

That’s a drag! Since it was considered safe, I’ve always used the master power switch on my pedalboard. I wonder what’s changed. Maybe it’s related to the iLok account for the plugins.

Thanks for the feedback, I will contact support directly and validate. Thanks!

My assumption is that nothing has changed as the QC still powers itself up with any power loss. Either way, I have reached out to support for validation.


Woah, I hadn’t saw that yet. I’ve also got a master switch on my board I’ve used for years.

I would think that as long as the unit isn’t in the middle of a firmware/OS update, then it would be ok though. Most would likely know not to power it down while doing so, but if it can be done…lol

Maybe the new OS architecture now has a fail-safe feature that won’t allow it to be powered down ( via the power button) while in the process? I may need to change the way I power it off now :astonished:

Some clarity on this would be much appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

+1 interested! Actually i go in shutdown via maincord switch and not with the proprietary QC Power button

Still escalating to support for clarification. Hold tight…


nobody pull anything!


Okay there, Dad! :rofl:


While we are waiting for the authoritative answer from Neural, I thought some unfounded speculation almost sure to be found erroneous might be in order. I have seen systems that cache data and then flush it to non-volatile memory, disk/card before shutdown, recommend that you always power off through a proper shutdown. Wonder if that is the case here?


+1 user who never used the power button and is interested in the support answer. Thanks.

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Unfortunately, no answer as of yet.

The QC has a power off button? :joy: :wink:


I agree, I’ve heard stories of guys going blind from pulling too much.

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I heard that Paul Rubens (Peewee Herman) had 20/20 vision. :man_shrugging:

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Generally speaking, every gear mast be shut down via switch or software… to avoid shortcuts on plugs…if not possible , I use a switch on power cable other than software shutdown

C’mon Neural this seems like a pretty important matter when the new manual gives us a hazard warning telling us to only shut down using the power button, after you told us early on that it was ok to pull the power supply for shutdown. Sounds a little like CYA. Get off your keisters and earn your dough!
Where is that power button?

Isn’t that also in the manual? It’s the button above the big knob.