Include The Scene Name on Layout Page

@Doug Being able to name the scene names is a great feature. Having the name visible only on the “swipe up” scene layout is annoying though. There is enough screen real estate that the scene name could be in a smaller font below the preset name.

The AxeFx can do this, IIRC. It is a great feature.

Also an ‘online’ icon for the cloud/WiFi connection in one of the corner areas would be super helpful, too.

Could not possibly agree more. I’m currently out of votes but this feature request is a no-brainer that needs more support. Is there a similar feature request that supplanted this one?

It is inexplicable to me why you would have the “Scene” mode in the grid view, not show the scene name. It is a slight, nay, an affront, nope, it is a mortal insult to scene mode (in grid view), not to include the scene name. This is inane. What does “A”, “B”, “C”, etc. in a tiny invisible little font, I might add, tell us? Absolutely nothing! :grin:

This is an egregious lack of proper use of screen real estate. Why force users into gig view just to see the scene name, WHEN THEY ARE ALREADY IN SCENE MODE? Makes absolutely no sense. Please change this Neural!

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PLEASE! scene name s are so obvious a requirement that it hurts, I really shouldn’t have to have a piece of paper with the scene names scribbled on it when I’m using the " The most powerful floor modeler on the planet"