Happy Neu(ral) Year; 2 things I want from Neural in 2025

Happy Neu(ral) year, everyone (see what I did there?)

There have been a couple of updates for the QC which introduced some big headline stuff, but for me NDSP really do continue to please and frustrate at the same time; PCOM etc was all well and good but these are the two simple things I really would like Neural to rectify on the QC in 2025, please.

  1. The absolutely ridiculous ‘Undo’ feature; great to have an undo feature but the one on the QC closes the edit window every single time you use it, taking you back to the grid, so you can’t see anymore the parameter you are trying to undo.
    I can think of no possible reason why this would be of any use to anybody, and yep, to be honest, I think it is utterly stupid.

  2. The Preset Up/Down footswitch assignment; the QC does not have gapless Preset switching, that’s why we use Scenes. So there is no reason at all to have two of the already limited footswitches on the QC permanently assigned to Preset Up/Down when they could be far more useful assigned to other things, ideally of our choosing.
    Worse still, the way the Preset Up/Downs work, it is really easy to change Presets by mistake halfway through a song, which is embarrassing to say the least.
    (IMHO the whole Mode changing/Hybrid set up needs a major rethink because it just isn’t very well thought out, but one suggestion to solve the accidental Preset changing issue would be to make Preset change a ‘long-press’ of the footswitches; I never, ever, ever, need to change Preset quickly so I can’t see any reason why I need Preset changing to be instantaneous, and as I said it gets me in to more trouble than it gets me out of.

You only have to look at the measures people have taken to ‘lock out’ the Preset switches, to realise that there is an issue here that needs addressing

I mean, the optics of the World’s most powerful floor modeller being made more user-friendly with a £1/£1$1 piece of plastic is pretty ridiculous.

So, Happy New Year to you all, and dear Neural DSP, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you fix both of these in 2025? :pray:t2:


I couldn’t agree more :100: It’s about time to address all the requests for quality of life features / improvements that have a lot of votes.

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I agree!
But I would take it one step further: being able to reprogram all the knobs would be my dream!
Allow assigning a function to the rotary knobs so you can tweak sounds live (adjust feedback, hold reverb, etc)…

but also…in an ideal world all these quality of life features/improvements: QC Feature Requests/mail to support

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