Global Eq on the Headphone Out?

I can’t seem to get the Global EQ to affect the Headphone out, it works as it should on outs 1+2, is it not possible to use it on the headphone output?

Did not really try it, but I assumed that the headphone out is only a mix of the other outputs.
So I thought if you have a global EQ on Out1+2 and mix Out1+2 to your headphones (swipe down in the preset) it should also have the global EQ.
If you already did that, then I think it’s a design flaw and should be fixed, since then we could not monitor the global EQ settings on our headphones.

I assigned it outs 1+2 and also tried 3+4, still did not affect headphone out. Kinda bummer, I use the headphone out at night so I don’t make too much noise. Hope they fix it.

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Unfortunalty, the Global EQ only applies to output 1/2 and/or 3/4 , but never on the Headphone output , which is a big oversight …

Perhaps, there’s some technical reason for this , but it would be nice to have this option in the future …


I’m here to say, yes please to this request for Global EQ in the phones.