Feature Request - Up/Down Footswitches And The List Of Presets

I’ve been using the QC for well over a year now. I and truly pleased with it. In fact I’m very happy whenever I get to use it.

I have one suggestion, that I think would help navigation for me. I realize my brain might be wired a little differently than most, so feel free to chime in on this and tell me I’m crazy.

When I tap the top of the screen to open the list of presets, and I hit the up footswtich, it selects the preset that is the next one DOWN on the list. This drives me CRAZY. When I visualize what preset is next in line in a given setlist or in the general list of presets, I see it in my mind the way it is laid out when I look at the preset viewing screen and I always want to push the DOWN footswitch to go to the next preset, when in fact I have to push the UP switch.

I would LOVE a global option of making the Up/Down Footswitches work in reverse. As in the UP switch goes visually up the list, the DOWN goes visually down the list.

Anyone with me?

I totally agree. Press UP to go DOWN in the list is a mind fuck.


I’m with ya. There’s got to be a way to either invert the list in the window or the way the scrolling works.

That drove me crazy at first too, because it’s illogical. But now I’ve gotten used to it.
However a global reverse option would be great.

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+1 here. And don’t apologise for your brain being wired ‘differently’! Every single one of is wired differently to each other, that’s the beauty of being human. It’s for the developers of any hardware and software to accept that - It’s like the ability to change the trackpad direction on a laptop. My wife has hers set up in completely the opposite direction to the way that makes sense to me; fries my head if I use her machine, but neither is wrong or right.

In fact it is this sort of ability to customise the controls that make Canon cameras work so well for me, in ways that other brands like Nikon don’t; in the industry it is called ‘Ergonomics’ and a lot of time and thought goes in to this (or at least should do!)

My preference in fact would be to use the rotary function of the top right foot switch to be able to cycle through a list of presets - or block models - when they are presented in list form. You can use the rotary function when you are in the edit page of a block to change to the next or previous device, rather than select it by using the ‘change device’ option in the menu.

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I just wish the rotary knob for the Preset Up button actually did something, so like, in the preset window use it to scroll up/down the banks (clockwise goes visually down the list).


Absolutely agree - add that as a feature request?

make sure you vote at the top of the thread if you wanna see them address this request.

I totally agree!! I posted this frustration a while ago. Then I studied v2 manual once more, and discovered that you CAN choose direction of search items either up or down. But it seems this is not the case for presets. And while we’re at it; another request from me: The option to isolate ONE bank or batch of presets in a circle. Partially because of this up/down confusion, I freqently scroll past the presets I use for a gig. An example: This week I’m doing a gig where I play el,- steel- and nylonstring. I have made one preset in scenemode for each guitar. It would have been great to be able to lock the QC to circle these three presets, and not let me accidently scroll in wrong direction and get lost.

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I would suggest searching in this forum to see if this request has already been made; if not, make a separate request and gather the votes. I can’t remember whether I’ve seen a request for this or not.

Yes. totally agree. I use a Helix as well and it came with default up/down like the QC. However, the Helix gives you the option to “flip it,”…and I did ! I just cast my vote for the flip !

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Would love the option to disable this button. Has to be one of the most annoying features of the QC. Really wish this button was just something you could enable via midi/expression pedal input instead of on the unit.

It’s so easy to hit and then be in another preset you don’t want. My expression pedal is next to my QC and makes this button really easy to hit.

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I really hate pressing up/down button by mistake on stage, it happens often recently :sweat_smile: It sometimes brings me to a blank preset which makes me a complete fool :person_facepalming:

I wish they add a “blinking” option. In fact, it would be awesome to choose any scene you want while it’s blinking, not the one you saved last.

Small size and close placed switches are convenient. But I hate this issue I have. Anyone else having this issue?

p.s. I use QC in stomp mode and control 4 scenes with midi.


I have posted multiple times on this forum about this which I consider to be a poorly thought through design feature. I’m surprised that more people don’t agree but my only solution has been to use an external midi pedal to change between Modes etc (and you can see the pedal to send multiple midi commands so each time you select a different mode it also opens in Gig view) when using the QC live so I NEVER have to risk a disaster by touching the footswitches on the QC itself.

Using an external midi pedal for this works very well, but I do object to having to have an additional piece of hardware to make the QC behave in the way I wish it did already, especially given the price point of the QC

So far I solved this issue just by copying same/similar presets right before and after the preset I’m using the most. I literally tried everything, searched and asked but currently there is no solution for preventing preset change by mistakenly pressing UP/DOWN switches.

I understand some users and scenarios may need direct change by pressing UP/DOWN button, but a feature lets us to choose direct or blink mode would be really useful. I think if you press&hold in preset mode it blinks, but this already is not solves mistakenly pressing and also I use it in Stomp mode and even you hold switch it just goes to another preset.

I’m in love with this product, and I believe they will update such small issues in future but it might take kind of a long time. Let’s wait and see.

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Get in line, bud. Been waiting for that for over a year now :weary:


Sadly I read words like ‘I’m hoping’ and ‘let’s wait and see’ all too often on this forum, which leaves me with the distinct impression that Neural don’t do things just because people hope and wait :disappointed:

Don’t get me wrong, other brands have similar issues (you’ll read similar comments on the Headrush forum for example) In my experience, the benchmark are Line 6, in terms of actually properly thinking through the UI in the design phase, rather than leaving users to hope and wait that common sense prevails years after the unit has been in production. I’ve said it here before, but if/when I eventually leave the Neural universe it won’t be because the QC doesn’t sound good, it will be because using it is just not an enjoyable experience. IMHO those two are equally as important as each other.

It will certainly be very interesting to see if NDSP feel a sense of urgency to address things like this when the Helix replacement is eventually unveiled, which one day it will be…


I really hope they are looking into this forum when CorOS 3.1. is released…

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I refer you to my previous post; ‘Sadly I read words like ‘I’m hoping’ and ‘let’s wait and see’ all too often on this forum’

If you want this to become a reality, you need to be proactive I’m afraid; contact Neural support and ask them directly, create a Feature Request and get as many votes as you can, otherwise Neural won’t know how much you’re hoping for this to happen…


hopefully (whooops, I did it!) they’ll turn their attention to some of the long-standing popular requests once PCOM is behind them.
That said though, it could be that they already are aware of many of these requests and they’re just not able to implement them yet.