I hope Doug can chime on this.
Of course half of the world is blocked due to all the (rightful) lockdowns, I don’t expect NeuralDsp not to be impacted by it, either directly or any of the production’s dependencies.
Do we have any idea if that’s going to delay the September delivery, or if it will still happen but with some limitations?
I saw yearliere today a post from Doug, he wrote somthing like quad cortex continious progressly though remotely. So maybe we are good?, and september still realistic
Hi, this is a very good question.
So far, our Chinese suppliers had disruptions with delayed prototyping in the past 3 months, but they seem to be back to normal.
We continue to advance remotely, and everything is moving along as expected.
If lock downs in Finland last throughout the summer (June-July) which is when we are starting production, then we’d have to sort out an alternative final assembly and testing facility off-shore.
It is too early to tell as nobody can predict the extent of the quarantine on social gatherings and group operations in Finland at the time, but the good news is that China and Korea seem to have overcome the crisis and operating more or less at full capacity already (especially China).
So, brief answer is: it’s too early to tell for sure, but if we are not able to produce in Finland, we have already sorted out suppliers that can help abroad if it comes down to it.
No worries, we’ll continue working super hard come hell or high water.
If anything delays the release, people who pre-order will be the first to know, but so far, we are still on track.
hi @Doug, any new stats, are you guys able to produce in Finland or does the Helsinki lock down have an impact on the progress ?. it seems China is opening up locally anyway.
I’m the GM for defense company, we have full SMT, pick and place capability, mechanical assembly, environmental testing, vibration testing, we engineer and build black boxes, cables etc. and we have some capacity here in Arizona. I’d be thrilled to help you out with production if you need…that way I can be sure to get mine with on time!!!
Seriously though, we have the capability and capacity.
I suspect in the coming months capacity will be less a concern than availability. As an essential business, your company has the distinction of being available.
Some encouraging words from Doug in a recent post on TGP:
We will start repurposing a portion of the DG factory for Cortex manufacturing next week.