Just tried the new ‘Stomp Mode Bypass Assignment’ feature and was immediately stymied. I use scene/stomp hybrid mode with my stomps on the bottom row. The quirks in hybrid mode continue to frustrate me and interact poorly with the new auto-assignment option. Auto-assignment currently works best if you do not use hybrid mode with stomps on the bottom row.
I now have two issues with the QC’s hybrid mode. Firstly, we can’t jump to an eight-button stomp or scene mode from scene/stomp hybrid mode. We are limited to four stomps and four scenes. You can only jump to an eight-switch preset mode.
The same rules apply to other hybrid mode combinations. The QC doesn’t allow you to jump to an eight-switch version of any mode (preset, scene, or stomp) that you are currently using in hybrid mode. Why? Awful implementation. Needs to be changed.
Secondly, now you can have your pedals be auto-assigned to the switches in the order of block creation. Fantastic! But no, not so fast, if you have your stomps on the bottom row of hybrid mode as I do, your footswitch assignments don’t even show up until you’ve created your fifth block. That’s because the bottom row (your stomps) is switches E-H and the auto-assign starts with switches A-D.
If you want to use auto-assign, you have to make eight footswitch assignments in any preset where you want four of them to show up in hybrid mode, stomps on bottom-row. A serious lack of integration of auto-assignment with hybrid mode unless you use stomps on your top row.
Sure, I could flip my scenes to the bottom row and run my stomps on the top. Not my preferred layout and it would be different than what I use on other modelers. I try to keep their layouts fairly consistent. Additionally, now I would have to make E-H my primary-use scenes as they will be the only ones visible in hybrid mode with scenes on the bottom row.
Not the worst thing in the world but it goes against good UI design, and it makes your full eight-scene layout unintuitive as the scenes have to wrap from the bottom row to the top if they are to end up assigned to footswitches that are visible in hybrid mode with scenes on the bottom row. Not to speak of all the work that went into presets that have A-D as the first four scenes.
Neural, please improve hybrid mode, make it more flexible, and consider how you might better integrate auto-assign with it. This seems to be part and parcel of the more comprehensive need for more flexible footswitch assignments as well as an improved hybrid mode. That lack is causing the new auto-assignment feature to be far less useful than it could be.
Anyway, sorry to be critical, I try to focus on the positive when a new firmware rolls out, I know developers worked hard on it. Won’t deny that not being able to leverage this new feature properly in hybrid mode is a letdown. Hope it gets addressed.