It would be nice to at least get a list of new features that are being worked on as part of the firmware update, in lieu of the update itself as it’s clearly behind schedule. I know they’ve gone into detail on hybrid mode and whatnot but hearing about new amp models/captures and things of that nature might foster some more positive discussion on here with regards to the upcoming firmware update.
This guy gets it. Neural needs to read that post. Really read it.
Well said, mate!
I don’t think what you’re saying is unreasonable, but I think all of us know enough about life by now to know that planning immediate needs around aspirational, future states is not a very practical way to go about things.
Moreover, we know that no matter how you much you over communicate the tentative, forward-looking nature of any of this, a significant portion of your audience will take it as a set-in-stone commitment and pillory you at every opportunity for not delivering it last week.
Slightly-more open communication about what’s coming down the line might make more sense as the underlying platform matures and the fundamentals are solid.
I would rather read that development is being delayed for another 3 months than not know anything, because my studio setup depends on whether I’m going to get the desktop app or not. At the moment I have the QC parked unused since last month waiting for de app.
2.0 isn’t stated to include a desktop app anyway, so I’d assume that’s going to be a lot longer than 3 months unless they surprise us with something
The truth is that as a client of this company and many others, I feel free to express my opinion on what I think, and I think that there are many of us who think the same, in fact we are a little tired of the paper they have been doing for months getting excited about the 2.0 update, I personally am not eager to play with a toy, I work with modelers, in studio and live, they are tools that feed me.
I am not interested in the developers, nor the internal company, they simply have to be serious with customers and if they offer a limited product, they have to clarify it… in my case I bought this device because they fired as many shots into the air as which is the best that exists in the universe in modelers, touch screen, with last generation switches, captures and blah blah blah… I am a Fractal client and I know very well what I am talking about.
This device lacks management options, the touch screen is very bad, or difficult to use live, the customization of scene changes, presets, stomp, is terrible, you need to buy another midi controller to facilitate using the stomp, many promises, but it’s been several years since the product came out and they never created a computer or ipad app to avoid having to be lying on the floor to modify any live parameter.
Better not to talk about so many other promises of Neural dsp plugins incorporated into the QC… ZZZZZZ…
It seems right to me to have the freedom to express the dissatisfaction that one feels with a product that takes so long to develop and with promises that never arrive, but the company’s defenders come out wanting to shut us down from expressing what we think…
I am glad that many leave their disagreement, and that others who ask about the product know better that this product is still many years away from offering a competitive level like Fractal Audio.
Possibly for the youtubers who play in their room next to the bed and play to take songs from others, the touch screen makes them happy and play to download presets from others, but in my case it is not like that.
I wish the creators and developers the best, I hope that in the near future they will regain the credibility of many of us who believed and paid for QC.
It seems to me that you are very insolent reprimanding people who express themselves, do you belong to the Neural DSP company?
I think we all have the right to express our opinion or respond to what we think or what affects the delay of an update that has been promised for months and never arrived… I see that you come out in defense as a superhero to answer users who express themselves freely. … are you the owner of the company or someone to whom you are held accountable?
Are you not also being insolent and reprimanding walking into this forum and saying that to someone on, what is it, your second post?
Why do I keep coming back to this thread, whyyyyyy
Are you also a forum manager? and you play the rogue getting into someone else’s question, this was for (danimaetrix)
Is it necessary to have some seniority credential to write? It seems to me that there are several misplaced ones who feel they own others… let me know since I’m new to the forum since November 2022, I know how much more time I need to be able to express myself freely…
Diffraction circuit, are you from the Neural DSP company too?
Not sure where you’re getting that idea. Plenty of people here free to say what they want, and I have plenty of my own complaints about the QC. I don’t think any of the people you’ve mentioned including myself work for or have any affiliation with NDSP. Nobody here is preventing you from saying what you wish - I’m simply voicing my own view similarly. Bottom line is, if you’re not comfortable with your gear, don’t bring it onstage. NDSP will do what they can regardless of how many people ask for it faster.
It seems to me that you got hooked badly, because I never talked to you, I don’t know who you are and you jumped to accuse me of threatening, what do you say? very misplaced on your part, it leaves a very bad impression on me to participate in this, since I receive invitations to participate, why? If in the end you come across this type of manipulators who do not allow you to freely express what you think of a product, they are responding to others as if they were judges, I give my opinion what I think and I believe that I do not have to answer to you or to you Or are you a super hero moderator?
@danimaetrix That’s what I mean, why do they have to get into the opinion of others? You say: if you don’t feel comfortable with your equipment, don’t take it on stage. NDSP will do what it can, regardless of how many people ask for it faster.
Nobody asks you for your opinion and I see that you defend the company as if you were part of it, that’s why it seems to me that you have to respect what we users freely write, nobody asks you for your opinion… I never talked about taking any team to the stage … I feel like saying what I believe as a music professional and client of Neural DSP, since they have been sending me emails to be part of this forum.
It seems like they want to cover the mouths of those who have an opinion and that only their holy word is validated…
Opinion and let others freely opine.
I’m afraid I’m beginning to understand why one of the moderators wanted to close this thread earlier
As I said before, some of the QC users (like me) are very happy with the product as it is today (with further updates we will even be happier) and others feel that the QC will only be usable when the updates are there.
No need to argue about it… peace!
Yes well then. Feel free to keep speaking your mind - I’m not stopping you, nor am I trying to “cover the mouths of those who have an opinion”. Nor is NDSP, as evidenced by the fact that they reopened this thread specifically for the purpose of communication when asked.
@studiomjbmiami You’re coming across as rather hostile. This is a public forum, there aren’t any private conversations in this thread, it’s OK to respond to and have opinions about anyone’s comments.
If you take the time to read the post history of those you’re criticising in this thread, it’ll become apparent to you that they do not work for NDSP, they just have opinions that differ from yours.
I hope things work out for you.
I personally totally don’t understand, it’s a forum, it’s normal unless you want a lifeless forum.
everybody just cooooOOOOOooool OUT
Sounds like we sold you a car with no wheels, a broken radio, disabled airbags, while you can only sit in it. But in the next update, we will let you turn the steering wheel.
well my friend, the way you feel about QC status is awesome . and i really mean that .
on the other hand , there are a lot of users who sit on the other side, this is their right as costumers who payed exactly like you.
i also saw someone here said something like " if you are not happy use something else", well, this is outrageous in my opinion .
i spent nearly 2000 dollars on this unit where i live, for many reasons. its not small amount of money, and you have no idea what i needed to give up to buy this unit,. but that is not the point.
the minimum we ask is for communication from any one up there.
instead of locking CUSTOMERS posts when they criticized the way thing going with this unit, one of them can afford himself to start addressing CUSTOMERS complaints .
but what do we get? we get to say THANK YOU for the mods who allow us to speak in their kindness (sorry for being sarcastic , but this is genuinely how i fell).
when you take a step back from what you feel and look at the comments, i think it is obvious that CUSTOMERS here would like to receive some real communication from the devs.
and this is where NDSP getting it wrong IMO.
@BigMcLargehuge @SkeletronPrime @danimaetrix @Andyjcp thanks for trying to cool down the conversation!
@studiomjbmiami I do not work for NDSP (if it was adressed to me).
But I kindly want to ask you not to burst out too much on all the things that frustrate you.
Even if I started this Thread for the same reason, I want to keep this talk up in a constructive way.
Please offer an open hand to NDSP in order to keep this talk up.
As @Andyjcp stated, this post was closed because the moderators felt, that it is only fingerpointing rather than solution finding.
For sure you are free in your opinion. Still I started it to focus on solution and not on problems.
Lets think of it as if we were gathered at a coffee table, discussing our wishes.