Edit: Added some changes based on feedback, thanks everyone!
Hi there. Leaving this here in case anyone else is looking for this information. I was confused because there are a bunch of adapters that turn up on Amazon if you search for “quad cortex power adapter” and most of them aren’t what you want.
Anyways, you are looking for a 12V DC power adapter that can supply 3A. It is ok if it can supply more amps, and with these cheap adapters might be better to get one that’s way under it’s limit but up to you. Voltage has to be 12V DC, you can’t buy something with more V, it won’t auto select this for you.
The barrel end of your adapter should be 5.5x2.1mm but the inner diameter can safely go up to 2.5mm with the prong style (look inside and you see two contacts that are smaller than the inner diameter that grab the pin)
The barrel end MUST be negative polarity. Look at this chart
Again, I should have just looked at the supplied QC adapter as this logo is right on there.
Most adapters on Amazon are positive (negative on the outside,) so you can try to find one that has a negative center, or you can just get a little polarity reverser like this one
All in, this ran about $18USD which isn’t really that much cheaper than the OG QC adapters, but this gives you more options for how to power your QC. For example, the packaged adapter has a wall-wart style and this has a standard nema connector which will fit on a power strip. Or you could get a little DC voltage bar and build it into your pedal board or something.
Example AMZN links:
Adapter I went with
Polarity reverse adapter