Assign Scene change to expression pedal

Is this possible? So for example Scene A would be on heel and Scene B on toe.
I have to change from a clean to high gain sound and back again very quickly and it’s much to easy to miss a footswitch when doing this at speed, but I can keep my foot on an expression pedal and rock back and forth to switch between the two very easily…

can you use the Midi Loopback hack, or are your midi jacks already in use?
I think you could assign the midi changes thru the XP if you use the jumper hack.

If not, can you put the 2 tones on separate lane splits and then crossfade between the splits w/ the XP? (I do this pretty often)

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Good ideas, thank you.

MIDI is all used up so that’s not an option, but lane split is a good idea.

In the end, as it’s only one amp model going from clean to high gain, I’ve tried just assigning all the different parameters to one expression pedal to make all the changes at once, which kind of works, but the lane split might be a better option - I’ll give it a try…

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