Activation of bluetooth on QC

Did you have to power that WIDI jack with an external power supply? The QC manual doesn’t specify if the out provides it’s own power over the midi jack.

You can already map multiple on/off devices to a single footswitch, even in stomp mode, no need for scenes.
However if you want to do more than just on/off (i.e. change a setting or flip a toggle within an effect) you have to use scenes for that.
Hybrid mode will help smooth things out, but really they need to allow any parameter to be mapped to any footswitch like you can in several other modelers like the Helix and I think Headrush.

+1! The bluetooth backing tracking playback is such a necessity.

QuadCortex have ATWILC3000-MR110CAwifi/BT module.

This module include anntena.
Technically it is possible to implement BT.
How nice it would be if it could be used in conjunction with an editor.


Agreed. I hope they strongly consider adding Bluetooth capabilities. I think it’s wasted potential until they do.

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