my QC was working just fine, but today there is no sound coming out of it, i checked all my cables and hardware, everything is fine, except according to the QC on the I/O page, there is a solid -18.1 db of signal on both input 1/2 and the exact same signal on every output.
I really dont know what has caused this, im using the power cable that came with the QC, and have tried factory resetting but still the same issue.
Contacting NDSP support is likely the only viable solution as they can review your diagnostic logs and hopefully provide a quick resolution. While waiting for support, try disconnecting everything (including power) and let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then try again. Do you hear any output using just headphones?
theres no audio output at all. just the standard background fuzziness, which doesnt increase in volume when i turn up the master, which is normal.
I also left it for ages unplugged, reset the sd card (sometimes it can be bumped and freak out). but still a solid -18.1 db on all inputs and all outputs, even when the only cable connected is the power cable.
Hello, for anyone reading this in the future or who has a similar problem.
The problem has magically gone away, I left the Quad Cortex overnight unplugged. I tried it in the morning and everything is working normally.
The only thing i can think of is this. A couple days ago my computer bluscreened, and this was becuase i had accidentally knocked loose some power cables (not sure which cables but after i took out and re inserted every cable externally and internally in the computer it was fine, including all the mains power plugs and extensions), the Quad Cortex PSU plug was plugged in to these faulty extensions at the time, but not plugged into the QC. 2 days later i plugged in my QC and this is when it just didnt work, with the signal on all inputs and outputs. I tried different plug sockets, and different psu, nothing worked.
I can only imagine that the magic electricity that was left over in the plug and the QC has faded away after a while of the QC psu not being plugged in.
So now its fine and everything works, i dont understand electricity btw