Hey folks,
I’m losing my mind and can’t get help anywhere.
First things first my setup
- Ibanez RG421ex - HH - 2x Quantum Passive Humbuckers
- Mac M1 Pro
- Arturia Minifuse 1 (inst ON, Gain 0)
- Plugins - Nolly, Gojira, Tim Henson (44100 Hz, 128/256 buffer size, input knob at 0, noise gate ~50-20)
- The guitar makes a terrible noise on its own, and even worse when touching the pickups. I think I’ve checked everything. Took it to the luthier and no issues were found.
What has been tested:
- Location (House, Hotel and music store)
- Computer (Mac M1 Pro, Windows Company Laptop, PC)
- Audio interface (My arturia, behringer at the store)
- Guitar Cable
- Guitar itself (My ibanez + 4 other guitars at the store 200€-7000€)
It looks like no matter what I do, the buzz is always there. I’ve tried to exclude any variable I could think of.
There is a small record of the buzz: Dropbox
- My sound is kinda muddy and I’m not sure if my signal is to hot or to low. Arturia software shows the signal is ~ -36 decibels while playing. According to NDSP tutorials guitar knobs are at max, audio interface knobs are at minimum and inst is ON. No idea if this setup is correctly or should I try to play with some settings?
Some more info. I’m a newbie. I’ve been playing since 2 months. It’s bothering me insanely that the guitar sounds like … and i’m enjoying playing less and less each day because of those problems. I think I’ve checked and excluded everything. Different guitars, computers, cables, interfaces etc. Only one common matter is the plugin. Please, I don’t know what to do.